When was your 1st child born? Early, on time or late ?

13 days late. I was induced, had my waters broken for me, my contractions were started via a drip and after 2 hours pushing she was pulled out with the forceps! It was the worlds laziest labour and birth... everything was done for me! :rotfl:
on his due date by an hour and six minutes! Clever boy!
DD was born at 41+6.... she still likes to make us wait now! :lol:
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I was induced at 36 weeks with my first because I had pre-eclampsia and my bp was dangerously high. She was fine though - had a little oxygen after delivery but didn't need to go to special care.

My other 2 both arrived spontaneously at 40+5
I know someone keeps bring really old threads up but I never read the date I just see the new post lol x
Haha, if it wasnt for cosmic on the oter bread I woulnt have even thought to look!

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