i had my little princess 14weeks ago AND I STILL HURT! i went to the doctors today and explained to them that i tore when Elle Jane was born and they didnt stitch me because i was young and would heal naturally. WRONG! the doctor was very confused and said it was out of order that they didnt because i only needed a couple of stitches and then i wouldnt need the operation to remove my very painful peice of skin that hangs down!! im so angry! im only 16. my mum said the day Elle was born the ward was very busy so maybe that might be a reason?! they coldnt even be bothered to spare 10minutes!! ladies please if the midwife goes to get another persons oppinion, say I WANT STITCHING! now i have to use KY jelly to lubricate myself so it doesnt rub! i cant even wear thongs until i can go to see a consultant in 6months!