Wanting to believe there is still hope


Jan 5, 2019
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Hi all (sorry if tmi) need to chat

I got a bfp on Thursday 3rd Jan following ivf and having 2 embryos transferred so myself and husband were thrilled it had worked. I had brown discharge and a bit of pink but Friday afternoon I started to bleed red not much. I put a pad on to monitor and it was just pink with some red. At around 815pm that night I had pains in abdomen and lower back when I went to the toilet I passed a blood clot/tissue about the size of my thumb (length and width not depth). I then only passed a couple small blood clots after that and nothing else. I'm bleeding really lightly not filling up a pad and pads are lasting hours I have only changed them (I'm only on the 4th one since Friday at 230pm) due to not being comfortable. I have also had a really weird cramp in my back, bum amd legs like something is putting pressure on a nerve. Anyway my temp is still elevated, still getting headaches, still tired and last night I started feeling really sick and almost was sick. Trying to keep positive still and rested all day yesterday. I did another test this morning which said bfn, do you think I could still have a chance? Thank you xx
Oh no. I’m so sorry to have to tell you this but if you had a positive test, then painful bleeding with clotting, and now have a negative test, then you’ve had a miscarriage. I’m really sorry that you’ve had to go through all this. :( Be kind to yourself - you’ll find lots of support on this forum xxx
Sending you a big hug. Please speak to your doctor. This site is good for support but none of us are medics and with any unusual bleeding you need to get checked out. Xx
:-( So sorry miracles but it does sound like a miscarriage if your test has turned to a bfn, I’m so sorry x
I’m so sorry. Go to a doctor to get checked out, you want to keep yourself safe from infection.
Thinking of you xx

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