wanted posts on freecycle

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
ooooooo touchy..............lmao

On our freecycle about 4 laptops have been given away so far and ive only been joined on 2 local sites since the last post mentioned what it was, seems like loadsa people want to give them away.
my family in the last 2 years have been offered 2 pianos for free. (one of them we took!-didnt have space for the other one lol) so weirder things happen.
Minxy said:
Actually , I think canoes and rowing machines are 'reasonable' type things to ask for. It's way out but the sort of stuff someone MIGHT have in a garage taking up space somewhere. I can imagine that ending up on a skip.

I hate it when people ask for stuff my model name/number. There's 100's of posts on Birmingham for stuff like 'Samsung U910i please' :wall:

i got 400 quid for my old canoe on ebay- so glad i didnt give it away for free :wink:
leckershell said:
princess_h said:
oooo whats this??? im gathering its a sort of get rid of your old stuff type thing lol

Yeah, www.freecycle.org , you offer things that you no longer want but don't want any money for. So people put up all sorts of things they want rid of but are too good for the tip, or too heavy/bulky to trek down to the charity shop.

Thanks hun :) will have a gander :)
to be fair I have seen a fair few flat screens (not the new ones but older lcd types) ps2's are cheap as chips now the ps3 is out so have seen a couple of them, and xbox (the old ones) go for around £30 in game preowned now since the 360 came out so have seen people giving these away too, some people cant be bothered to sell things and would rather give them to people that cant afford it and will make use of it.

I have seen loads of ovens so thats no an unreasonable thing to ask for and the canoe and rowing machine may well be something people have in their garage gathering dust. I have seen at least 2 full sized piano's go as well.

I agree some people are too specific and take the piss but there isnt much out of the ordinary in the wanted ads you put up....if you dont ask you wont get...
you live in a nice area then.... theres only offered ads for crap like bubble wrap, packaging boxes. tv's with no sound lol

so to our freecycle normal ads it was very OTT.
this would make a good sticky :)

i see loads of wants for, laptops/computers, caravans, cars, TV's

nothing as outrageous as ipods and TFTs lol
There was a Wii and games offered on our freecycle the other day!!! It went to a charity shop :)
I've heard of freecycle, sounds like a good idea....

I wonder if she got her tv and xbox or wii?

Ah theres those pigs again... aren't they cute?! :rotfl: :rotfl:

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