want to hear from anyone who had MC but got pregnant again

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Sorry if this is an intrusion but I'd love to hear from women who have had a miscarriage and got pregnant again. I think it would give me hope.
I had a miscarriage 7 days ago.
So how soon after your miscarriage did you get pregnant?
Thanks very much,
Hi s

I just spotted you posting in this area of the site. I'm so sorry to hear your news, I know you waited a while to get PG. Life seems so unfair sometimes. ((((hugs))))

I've heard of quite a lot of women who've had miscarriages and then go on to have children without any problems afterwards, though I couldn't really say how long it took them.

Wishing you lots of luck.


Hi S,

As Helen said.. so many women do go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies... I am hoping to be one of them too soon!!

As i said on other thread on Friday.. my doctor says that many women who have a miscarriage with their first pregnancy are going through natures "dress rehearsal" and their body is just not sure what to do so rejects the pregnancy.. then second time round it says "oh yeah I know what to do this time" and all is fine...... its a lovely theory!

Unfortunately the doctors cannot always find reasons or causes.. thats why they won't investigate until after 3 .. and even then as with me they still don't always find anything.. we just have to keep trying and stay as positive about the future.

Don't know how old you are but I expect you have plenty of time and you will be getting that BFP again very soon.. although I would say don't try too soon.. at least have a couple of AF's to ensure all is OK in there xxxxxx
Hi hun....wanted to give you somehope!!!!!!
I had a miscarriage in april.....not even a year later i am sat here writing this as my gorgeous little girl is breastfeeding! I didnt even have a period between M/C and next pregnancy. We had a trial run and unfortunetly it didnt work 1st time. i spent the 1st 16 weeks of this pregnancy convinced it wouldnt work out, but it did.
I also wanted to say sorry for your loss, it takes a long time to come to terms with, but like i, many women on this forum have been in our situation, and have all gone on to have further healthy pregnancies.
Keep smiling, huge sprinkles of baby dust to you and alll the others TTC.
good luck xxx
Hi hunny. I suffered a m/c in June last year my whole world fell apart. I couldnt watch TV or do my shopping even. Just seeing a baby or hearing a baby made me sobb. My sister was pregnant and my sister in law and they felt so guilty talking about it infront of me but they were happy. I went for my scrape at the local hospital and the waiting room was in a corridor and a mother and baby club was past us so they all walked past to get their i walked out and went home. I was so devistated and thought it was all my fault. Now im 32 weeks pregnant with a little Girl and so happy hunny. It just was'nt meant to be. It will happen again im sure usually when you stop trying. Ps my thoughts are with you keep in touch.
hi sorry to hear of your loss i had a miscarriage last april and i am now 14 weeks pregnant it took me time to get over but you will feel better dont rush greiving the loss take care x
I am really sorry that this has happened to you, i know what you are going through. I had a miscarriage before i fell pregnant with my son, i had a miscarriage in the may 2001 and i fell pregnant again in the september, apparently you are meant to have a couple of normal periods before trying again (obviously its not law), don't worry too much it will happen for you, good luck with the trying!

i had a mc in november and im pg again but only bout 5 wks! But very scared incase it happens again :(
hayley1980 said:
i had a mc in november and im pg again but only bout 5 wks! But very scared incase it happens again :(

Lot's of :pray: for you - For both a healthy pregnancy & a healthy baby Hayley. CONGRATS.

Hi S

Sorry to hear u had a m/c. I was in the same situation in August, i was about 6-7 weeks pg and started spotting and the ultrasound showed a slow heartbeat. I was told to return two weeks later - i did and by that time the heartbeat had stopped. I had a D&C a few days later. I started trying about Nov/Dec time again, but not all the time if you know what i mean as it started becoming like i had to do it and it didnt seem like fun anymore. Anyway i had gave up all hope of getting pregnant and i was at a real low point and i had a nervous breakdown in middle of February. I was being sick etc so i did a test and it was positive ! So there is light at the end of the tunnel and it happens when you least expect it to. I am 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant now. I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks but they said too small to see much but did see a heartbeat, then had another ultra sound at 8 weeks - which showed i was actually 9 weeks and there was a heartbeat. I have another scan on 11th May and im hoping all is ok. I had bought a doppler ages ago and i used it this morning - i heard the fast tiny heartbeat for the 1st time ! Yipee

Dont give up hope - it will happen !
Wobbles said:
hayley1980 said:
i had a mc in november and im pg again but only bout 5 wks! But very scared incase it happens again :(

Lot's of :pray: for you - For both a healthy pregnancy & a healthy baby Hayley. CONGRATS.


thank u hunni xx
hayley1980 said:
Wobbles said:
hayley1980 said:
i had a mc in november and im pg again but only bout 5 wks! But very scared incase it happens again :(

Lot's of :pray: for you - For both a healthy pregnancy & a healthy baby Hayley. CONGRATS.


thank u hunni xx

Your welcome x

Born in 1980 I take it - Same age as me :D Would this be your first?

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