waking after an hour?

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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argh this is doing my nut in!! every night katie goes down really well. nd without fail, she wakes up after an hour or there abouts. she's proper screaming and i have to give her a big cuddle for ages, then put her down and let her scream for a couple of mins before she drops off again.

i've got no idea why tho! she's not hungry or anythin, its literally just a cuddle she wants! any ideas??
OMG, we've just been through this! It was so frustrating and lasted a good few weeks. we really were at the end of our tethers, when it dawned on me one day! whenever we went in the room, he was asleep on his front. But when he first went to bed, he was on his back. He'd then obviously wake up uncomfortable and throw a paddy! I made sure he was on his front and he hasn't done it since!:dance:

Could it be this?
ooo it could be! she used to always sleep on her front, but since we moved back here, she's been sleeping on her back for some unknown reason!

the only other thing i can think of is, they have the TV on really really loud here, whereas i always had it on dead quiet when she was in bed. so maybe she's going thru one sleep phase, then stirring and hearing the telly and its waking her up??
Maybe the change in surroundings? I haven't tried it myself but I have heard of some Mums putting something like a top or blanket that smells of them in with there LO to help them settle when they wake in the night x
Jacob wakes after an hour or so. Fortunatley he drops off himself but i will be interested to hear any ideas as to why xx
Sam did that for a couple of weeks months ago. No idea why, and after he went back to sleep he wouldn't wake up for the rest of the night. He just started sleeping properly again after a couple of weeks so hopefully Katie will too x
How soon before you lift Katie?

What I mean is, do you think she would settle if you didn't lift her?
i try and leave her as long as i can, but its proper bawling. am trying in general not to go to her as soon as she starts atm, cos in a few days there's no way i'm gona be able to drop everything and run the minute she starts crying!
I hated it when Caitlin started this and I was far on with Meggy bump too!

I started introducing supper more at this point and making sure she had a drink before teeth & bed.


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