Waiting for miscarriage to start. Scared.


Feb 9, 2013
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My other half and I only found out ten days ago that I was pregnant. Sadly spotting began on Thursday night, upon going to the doctor on Friday morning (when I also had more spotting which subsided after an hour or so) I was referred to EPU. On an internal scan they found no sign of pregnancy but on my blood test it just showed I was super early with levels of 108 and hence no sign on the internal. Spotting didn't reurn over the weekend and the few pregnancy symptoms i had seemed strong over the weekend so I felt so much more positive.

Spotting began again on Monday afternoon, I went to the hospital for a follow up blood check yesterday (Tues) morning and got a call with the results last night that they'd sadly only risen to 122 to since Friday.

Therefore I was told the likelihood is I am miscarrying although they also told me to be aware of ectopic but the nurse said she wasn't saying this was happening to me, just to be aware. This scares me rigid.

I have not started bleeding fully yet, still only the occasional discharge which i havent had since yesterday afternoon and i have no pain. I am so sorry if this is an inappropriate thing to ask but can anyone tell me when the bleeding starts? And if it is ectopic how will i know? I am so scared and lost right now and trying to prepare myself.

This was my first pregnancy at the age of 35 and on paper I would be six weeks today but I actually think it was only three weeks since conception last weekend.

I have the most supportive partner, I'm trying to prepare myself with the facts.

Any advice would be appreciated and I hope I haven't upset or offended anyone with this post. Thank you in advance for any replies. X
Hey Honey, Im really sorry for your loss. It is the most horrible time. In terms of the bleeding it can be different for people but I had a mc at 7 weeks. My bloods did go up ever so slightly in between the two initial tests but fell after the second lot. I had spotting which was my first indication that something was wrong. A few days after this I had what I can only describe as a heavy period with mild cramping. It was never as bad as I had expected it to be. I had to keep getting my bloods checked till they went below 5. In terms of evtopic an indication of this is if your hcg levels continue to go up over the next couple of tests. Also you can get quite severe pain Im sure. I had a natural mc though.

At the moment, take care of yourself and your oh and follow your dr's instructions. Big Hug! Xxxx
:hug: when I miscarried it was pretty much just like you're having. I just started cramping quite a lot and then had a pretty heavy "period" that was it. Very upsetting time, look after yourself xxx
I had a tiny bit of spotting around 6/7weeks but didnt think anything of it (regret that now even though i know theres nothing i could have done anyway). At 10+4 i had a scan sizing the baby at 7weeks but it didnt have a heartbeat, i didnt even start miscarrying until i would have been 12+5 so it took a long time. Everyone is different but it might be a little while before your mc actually starts. Sorry if thats depressing :/ xxx
Thanks for all your replies. Gradually getting more but all still light, occasionally feel light cramping. Just a waiting game. Thanks for all your info, much appreciated. X
Mine were both after 11 weeks so different. That said, both were very different, the first one was very quick and the second one wasn't. It's really a tough thing to go through, at any stage. Hugs to you and I hope you're ok xx
Hi missy

Just wanted to say don't be scared the same thing happened to me last month, levels were 620 and only went to 690 in 48 hours told to expect miscarriage or ectopic, eventually started to bleed 1 week later, 6 weeks by my dates. Bleeding lasted 4 days and just like a heavy period positive opk 14 days later.
Signs of ectopic are shoulder tip pain, abdominal pain, feeling dizzy etc. I think our situation is very common.
Hugs to you xx
Nurse at Hosp just called with results from this mornings bloods and my hcg level has risen a tiny bit and progesterone level is very low. They are now calling it a pregnancy of unknown location and not ruling out ectopic but also not saying that's what it is yet. Currently I just have to sit it out it seems and I'm to go back to EPU for more bloods and scans in a week if no change. My spotting has absolutely gone up a level in last 24 hours but not started actual bleed yet (sorry if too much info). It's basically now what you might get at the very very start of your period but it's stayed like that for 24ish hours. I feel physically ok-ish at the moment but my head is an absolute mess and I'm an emotional wreck. I am obviously hoping things don't drag on and this is resolved quickly in the best possible. I currently don't feel in a fit state mentally to go to work but not sure if I should just make myself.

Any advice or info on similar experiences would be appreciated. Thank you. X
They called mine pregnancy of unknown location as levels Rose slowly, had blood tests every two days for a week eventually started to drop then came down really quickly. They started talking about giving me methotrexate injection to speed up process but luckily I didn't need it. It's a really scary time as you've no idea what's going to happen, I cried a lot didn't go to work and sat it out. Kept secretly hoping that I would go back to EPC and levels would have gone up, stay strong xx
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