

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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I am not to worried yet as Corey has not got a Temp and is still giving me wet nappys...


For the last 24 hours he has been unable to keep anything in his stomach..?? I have checked for a rash, and I cant see one as yet. He feels warm but his temp is like 37 (which is normal as far as I am aware!).

Any ideas on what to give him... its just that the poor thing is so hungry, eats or has milk then throws it all up again! :( How long should I let this go on before taking him to the Dr, providing he still has no temp and gives me wet nappys...?
i would take him to the dr anyway hun as there must be something causing it, dont wait till you dont get wet nappies as then he will be really dehydrated.
it could just be a simple bug, have you tried a dry bit of toast? i no thats what we eat if we are sick as it stays down well
:hug: :hug:
Tried toast, he is not interested!!

His temp seems to come down with Calpol etc.

It seems if I just give him an oz of milk every 20mins or so he keeps it down! If hes still like this tomorrow I guess i'll just take him to A&E!!

Poor little mite :(
In situations like this I normally give NHS Direct a ring:

0845 4647

They are brilliant. You give your details to them when you initially ring, then they get a nurse to phone you back. They gave us great advice last week when Phoebe had Diarreah and a high temperature.

They can arrange for hospital to see you etc if they think its needed.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
he he, great minds think alike ;) thats what I did in the end, he'd just throw up anything I gave him, and he was starving, poor thing!!

So I called NHS Direct, they got a nurse to call back, then a Dr to call back, then we were sent to the hospital - where I had to beg to be let home practically!! Still, hes kept down some milk now - I did it two oz to one scoop!! Just to get more fluids in him.

Fingers crossed when he wakes up (Yes, hes still asleep - as usual) then he wil keep another bottle down and we wont have to go back to the hospital like I said we would if he was sick!!
aww i really hope hes ok today and it was just a 24 hour thing
Thanks hun!

So far so good, im giving him milk whenever he wants it... still watered down and hes not been sick yet today!! Ima just keep pumping him full of fluids today!! Tomorrow go back to normal formula, then on Monday to back to food again!! :)

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