Vitamin A very worried


Apr 22, 2007
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I am just coming up to 10 wk and have just read that Vitamin A is really not recommended..
Before I knew I was pregnant I was taking a multivit with 100% reommended dose and also Cod Liver oil also with 100% for about 2-3 wks I was taking this dose. As soon as I found out I was pregnant started taking Pregnacare & Pregnancy Fish more Vit A..
Does anyone have any advise as I am feeling worried and miserable :? :?
Thank you for your support..
Tell me about it!!! With my first pregnancy you werent allowed to eat fish, now with this pregnancy theyre telling you should for the omega content!!!You cant win!!!!
Thank you you've made me feel much better - was very tearful yesterday as was soooo's hard not to worry as there's sooo much to read!

Thanks :lol:
Nice to see some people talking sense - there is quite a lot of madness about what we're allowed to do etc nowadays!
I agree totally, it's really winding me up all this you cant do this you cant do that, my god whatever did they do in days gone by or in poorer countries where they havent even got a midwife!!
I am eating exactly what i want when i want, im certainly not looking at labels and wrapping myself up in cotton wool.
Its a time to enjoy :dance: :dance:
I agree - I was told to stop horse riding by one doctor - I carried on competing and only stopped riding at 7 months cus my bump wouldn't fit behind the saddle.

I have to admit i was careful about the vitamin A - although I wasn't that difficult tbh - I just took a pregnancy multi-vitamin (I wanted to do this as I didn't really have a healthy lifestyle) and I hate pate, liver etc so I didn't really eat anything with vitamin A in it!

You do need vitamin A in pregnancy to help organs grow or something, but massively high levels can cause birth defects and liver toxicity (whatever that is!!) I think you would have to eat a lot of pate or offal for that to happen!
If only vitamin supplements were as easily absorbed as those from food, then we wouldn't need food at all, only little pills :D What I mean is that you taking a vitamin supplement containing vitamin A for a few weeks isn't the same as getting it from, say liver (with all the hormones and stuff animals get pumped into them before they become meat!).

I'm not medically qualified, but you'll just have to relax and put this out of your mind. If babies were as easily damaged as the public health pundits would have us believe nowadays, then the human race would have died out long ago (and a few generations ago, women wouldn't have been risking their lives to have illegal abortions, when all they had to do was drink, smoke, eat liver, blue cheese and drink lots of tea!).

Sorry if I sound facetious, but I think that we're going too much in the same direction as the pregnancy facists in the U.S. I think much of this is a way to control women. Next, we'll be prosecuted for drinking a strong coffee when we're pregnant! Yes, I'm sure in some states it was mooted whether to make such actions a criminal offence (but don't quote me on it :D ).

Sorry, rant over. I'm just becoming sick of all the "advice", which seems too much to me like we're heading for the criminalisation of things done/not done during pregnancy.

"Enjoy your pregnancy"? Ha! They've got us all worried sick.

I went to a friends barbeque on Saturday and had a spritzer, one of DH female friends gave me a long look, i felt like smacking her lol!!! COW
They've actually found a good side effect to smoking now - it has been found to lower the risk of pre-eclampsia, something to do with the effect of carbon monoxide on the blood.

Obviously it isn't advised to smoke during pregnancy as the negative effects far outweight the benefit.

Personally, I find it ridiculous that the time when we are told to be most careful is during the first 12 weeks, although antenatal care often starts at the end of this period. I'm sure many first time mothers aren't even aware of half of the 'dangers'.
That seems to be results from tests done in the 1980s.
I am also a smoker, but hey each to there own!!

We are all different and have our difference in opinions and every pregnancy is different. Whats right for one person might not be for the next and all that jargon.

They say smoking is bad for you pregnant or not, but it's up to the individual what choice they make, it has nothing to do with anyone else!!! We are all adults and can make our own decisions. :roll: :wink:
I read about it on the news page of the APEC site. It was in with all the other 2006 news, I just presumed it was fairly recent.
Thank you all for your gr8 helpful replies!! (esp WendyWandy) You have all made me feel so much more relaxed..just over 10 weeks now just waiting to try and get a 12 wk scan - very very booked up in my town (Newbury) so looking at other places now..I am so glad I found this site
Good Luck everyone :lol: XX

Saw what you said about your scan. I hope you get one on the NHS soon. I paid for one privately at 9 weeks, because I was too impatient to wait. It cost £75 and was very detailed. It was in a Nuffield Hospital (Glasgow). A consultant took the scan. He explained everything to us. It was far superior to an NHS scan - he even examined the baby's blood flow, showed us the heart beat (both in different colours) and let us hear the heart beat. I found them online by putting in 'private ultrasound scans Glasgow' into 'Google'.

I'm due my NHS scan next Thursday when I'll be just over 13 weeks' pregnant. After a bit of a scare (when I had bleeding) last week, I'm just counting down the days until I get to 14 weeks safely.


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