My partner has a 9 yr old children from a previous relationship. She is hard work, possibly a little jelose of this little one, it's my first & I really don't want her to spoil my first few days with this little one. I want her to come meet her little brother or sister at the hospital but would I be being unreasonable to say I don't want her staying for long or even over night with us the first night or 2. I'm going to be breast feeding & I don't feel comfortable feeding in front of her either. I understand my partner wants to involve his daughter, but this is my baby to & I'm worried she's going to demand all the attention off him & neither of us will be able to relax. I don't want leave her out but don't think I'll be able to hold my tounge if she's being difficult. It's really starting to worry me.
How can I bring this up without coming across as horrible!
How can I bring this up without coming across as horrible!