

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Just wondering if anyone video'd their babies birth or took loads of photo's and people's thought on this.
Didn't do it with my first as OH wasn't there :cry: (was in the Falklands!) but midwife took a few pics just after birth.
We're thinking of doing it when we eventually get to that stage with baby number 2 and want advice / views etc!
Mrs T
I've got a few weeks to go yet but I wouldnt want the birth videoed but will definatly have my camera there to record babys 1st few minutes, but's that's me, I dont think I'd wanna look back at the actual birth :shakehead:
Me neither I definitely don't want the birth videoed it would have to be marked as an 18 anyway cos of all the bad lanuage that I think might be used.

But I will have my camera and DH standing by to be snap happy.
That's cool.
Thanks for your views

I was the same with my first baby but afterwards in a sick way I kind of wanted to see what happened at the action end!

I'm not pregnant yet but am considering doing it with the next baby if we have a home birth. Not sure though. Think I may not be remember how harrowing the experience was too clearly!!

It would also be useful as a contraceptive device as I was broody a few months after having my first and a video of the birth may have done the trick to put me off!!

I think if i saw the video back Id never do it again lol!

I dont even want Stu to look down 'that end' :oops:

Loadsa pics after tho :D
LOL :rotfl:
As Ian wasn't there when my daughter was born I don't know how I would feel but with next one, I kinda want him to see exactly what 5 minutes naked in bed does to me :shock:
I want him to pass out with shock!! :lol:
My OH filmed up until I started pushing (so no film of my lady bits) and then he filmed again once Jake was born. We have also got a lot of pictures and I am so glad as although I look a mess it is nice to look back at them as I was a bit out of it at the time and so couldn't remember everything.
They'd never want 'five mins in bed' again!.. :shock: :shock:

Actually....could be a good thing lol
lol - yeah. 8)

Just hope I get the chance to decide whether I actually want to film or not in 8 months time!
Soon as Lydia was wrapped in a towel Phil started filming - he made sure he didn't get any footage of my bits though and just concentrated on Lydia. He kept it well away from me whilst I was being sewn up down there aswell.
i wouldnt want to see myself the pics after are bad enough i looked like i should of lived under a bridge i was that hideous ... but yes i think pics are defineately a must have i always look at my pics of alfie as a newborn on the scales with his hamptom out and his first cuddle swith people and oh it makes my heart burst. prudest day of my life and i have the pics to remember it by as the gas and air still make things fuzzy
We took a camera but forgot we had it until an hour after Logan was born! lol
they told my sister she couldn't film me and none of us could understand why...if i wasnt in labour i would have kicked up a right fuss because i wanted it taped. My health visitor later told me that if you watched the video enough times and found a mistake the dr's/midwifes made then they could be sue'd.
It's mad isn't it!
I think if I had another hospital birth I probably wouldn't video due to space etc - but am hoping (when I get pregnant!) to have a home birth so may do it then. Although hubby is against it at the moment - both a home birth and the video!! Men :wall:
I'd love a home birth and to video it but it looks like thats out of the window for me...with my next if he/she grows as big as Aaliyah then i'd have to be induced or opt for a c-section...i think i'd prefer to be induced...may try again with the camera though haha!

My sister did get clips of me laughing on the gas and air and what not when the midwifes were out of the room.

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