Sweetheart are you particularly horny on a morning??! Extra blood flow yes, but the vibrating could very well be your throbbing loins!! It is tri 2 remember, renound for randy pregnant ladies xx
I had this thro both my pregnancies, It did my head in, I eventually found out that its loose pelvic muscles, its actually the muscle vibrating. Try doing pelvic floors, and do it when you get the vibrating too. Muscles loosen up around there alot during pregnancy.
BTW - sorry for gatecrashing 2nd tri....I came across this on new threads & knew I knew the answer loooooool
think it could be blood flow......i have had it after sex for years on occassions not just when pregnant and im guessing that arousal causes the extra blood flow like pregnancy does......its kinda twitchy and onky stops when it feels like it? thats my thought anyway. good luck with your incredible vibrating foofie! x
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