Viability scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2018
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I had a viability scan today because of my history, but there wasn't much to see apart from a pregnancy sac. It really didn't put my mind at ease and now I'm getting really anxious that something is up.
Going by my last period I should have been 6+2, but they dated me at 5+4, though told me not to get hung up on that. I know I ovulate quite late for a 28 day cycle, so could that alter the dates?
I've got another scan in 2 weeks time to check progress, but it's going to be torture not knowing till then!

Hi Jetina, ovulating later in your cycle could definitely make you less far along than you thought. Do you know when you ovulated? If you do add 2 weeks on from when you ovulated and that should be more accurate of how far along you are. Also scans this early on aren’t very accurate for dating because everything’s so tiny and hard to measure so I wouldn’t worry too much. Hopefully you’ll see a little heartbeat in 2 weeks xx
I'm same position as you. Went for scan this morning. Should be at least 7+1 or 2 but scan put me at 6+1. I was using ov sticks to look for ovulation. We did see a heartbeat. I'm staying positive. They are so small at this stage. I go back in 2 weeks also.
Hi ladies
Are the viability scans you had private or NHS?
I had a loss at 21 weeks last year and then another loss a few months later so I'm super nervous and was considering booking a viability scan privately x
Private but usually get NHS one around this time but have heard nothing so booked the private one
My scan was through the NHS, but it was because they want to keep a close eye on me as my last pregnancy ended with my boy being stillborn at full term. Fingers crossed that we see more when I go back in 2 weeks.

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