very low hcg levels. please help


Nov 30, 2007
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First time here and looking for many answers. I am currently 7weeks pregnant with our first child. i couldnt get a positive result until i was 5 weeks, but also bled for two days at 4+5.then had brown discharge for a few days(postive results ever since) At 6wk+5 i bled again (but only for an hour or so) had light period pains and mild back ache in the morning, but no cramping whilst bleeding. My husband took me to A&E where they told me my cervix was still closed but couldnt see anything at all on the trans v scan. They took bloods which were 392 (HCG). two days later, i retook the bloods which were 564 and then two days later more were taken and being 850. For 7 weeks this is very very low as i am being told. Ive also had another trans v scan in this time, still showing nothing, except now a cyst which im told is normal!
ive gone back and started at the value of 0 (which is neg, anything over 5 is pos yeah?) and added 60% every 48 hours from the day of concieving.(as i know its gone up 60% each time the past week) it totals to nearly what i am now...obviously im not a doc, but my method shows that every 48hours from day 1, my hcg levels have gone up a steady 60%. (there abouts)
Docs are not happy with not finding anything and said i have lost the baby, although in the same breathe they're telling me they wont be able to see anything till they're about 1500....

So even though they are low and not what they 'should be', does the steadyish flow of increasing numbers so that it could turn out for the best.. or should i give up now and belive what they're telling me.
So sorry for such a long comment. Hope someone can help as im going out of my mind for answers.
Still got all pregnancy sypmtoms!
Thank you in advance for any help. xxxx
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I'm not sure that I can be of any help really, I think it's just one of those pain-staking situations where the only thing you can do is wait!!!

In my personal experience, hormones levels have always accumulated very quickly in my successful pregnancies (have never taken levels but have been able to tell by how dreadful I've felt). This wasn't the case when I miscarried at 6 weeks - had faintish tests, and the symptoms weren't as severe as I've had before, or am having this time around. There again, I have read about women who have been very different to me, who've had bleeding, no baby visible on early scans etc, and a baby has developed and been fine.

Wishing you all the very best - I hope you get a resolution one way or the other very soon, and hope it's good news. :hug:
Hi ladies

After posting my last comments on Fri - i went to the hospital for another scan only to be told that i wasnt able to leave and before i knew it, they had me in a bed, in a gown and a needle stuck in my hand :-(

After being scanned by a number of different people, then finally the head of the ward, they saw something in my right tube which they went too sure about so i had to go through for an emergerncy op (keyhole)

after surgery i was told that it wasnt a baby, which is all good and i still have my tube in tact, but they still cant find the babys whereabouts.

Ive just been for more bloods and will find out later the result of those. Im hoping they've gone up and this is an ongoing pregnancy. All i ask for is a baby.

Im now on bed rest and have 3 little holes in my tummy!! :) in lots of pain as i cant take the normal dose of pain killers after surgery as im still pregnant (somewhere)

Maybe someone can share their experiences with me on this too.

Thanks for listening.
ALl the best
Kelly and my shy baby! x
Hi Kelly,

I'm sorry you had to go through this but keeping everything crossed for a good outcome for you - the docs must be optimistic if they're still treating you as pregnant. Let us know how you get on xx
Thank you so much for all the encouragement and listeners.

So in 7 weeks, ive been told twice that ive miscarried,been through surgery for suspected eptopic and now still even the professionals dont know whats happening. apart from HCG levels are showing im pregnant... and are going up, but slowly.
I have every faith in my strong, fighting baby. Ill go through this daily if i have too.

Atleast im now here for someone else going through the same thing i have. Its only making me stronger.

back to the sofa now :sleep:
ahh Kelly I'm sorry to hear your going through stressful time :hug:

TBH i'm no expert so wouldn't like to comment on whats going on apart from.. have you spoke to docs about the possibility you not as far on as you thought? :hug:
phew, not ectopic :|

hope they get to the bottom of things soon, and find your wee bean growing nicely. he's probably burrowed in somewhere nice and snug, oblivious to everything going on!

Take care :hug:
HCG levels have dropped from 850 on thurs to 592 today, mon. things not looking good. Gotta go back on wed to redo bloods to make sure they are lowering as they should.

i really really had faith in all this. i was keeping so positive that things would work out.

with all this, ive got to recover from the surgery. think it would've been better if they did find an eptopic. atleast i would have a reason for the physical pain im in.....

oh well. speak to you soon

Kelly xx
:hug: kelly I'm so sorry :hug:

Not sure what to say really, just thought i'd send you a hug x

Really sorry to hear all that you've been through, and sorry to read just now about the lowering hormone levels too. It may not feel like it right now, but things will work out for you.

All the very best :hug:
Thank you everyone.

Its obviously hard coming to terms with it all, and its easier said then be positive and move on, which im hearing alot. (which i know is true, but it still doesnt help)

myself and hubby were wondering what happens next. we're going for more blood tests on wed to see if they are lowering as they should be (to show im miscarrying)..but they keep telling me that they can give me some injection to dissolve whats there.
am i right in thinking, this is an abortion? and if i went down this route, would i have an abortion linking on my notes??? this is def not what i want. i would rather keep a dead baby inside me then abort what i want most and have been waiting for years for.

I know i must sound like im going loop right now, but theres so many questions going round my head..

plus, what should i do if my hormone level rises again????

Hope im not being too much of a pain. im sure you all have your own problems..
Thanks for listening
Kelly xxx
Thank you everyone.

Its obviously hard coming to terms with it all, and its easier said then be positive and move on, which im hearing alot. (which i know is true, but it still doesnt help)

myself and hubby were wondering what happens next. we're going for more blood tests on wed to see if they are lowering as they should be (to show im miscarrying)..but they keep telling me that they can give me some injection to dissolve whats there.
am i right in thinking, this is an abortion? and if i went down this route, would i have an abortion linking on my notes??? this is def not what i want. i would rather keep a dead baby inside me then abort what i want most and have been waiting for years for.

I know i must sound like im going loop right now, but theres so many questions going round my head..

plus, what should i do if my hormone level rises again????

Hope im not being too much of a pain. im sure you all have your own problems..
Thanks for listening
Kelly xxx
Hi Kelly,

I know what you mean about people saying 'you should move on'. I found this bit very hard too when I miscarried - I was thinking, 'ok I know that, but I just want you to listen really'. I think the vast majority of people are very well-meaning and all they want to do is try to give you solutions to get through, but of course you will find your own in your own time.

As for the injection, it is totally up to you - it sounds to me as if it may not be the right thing for you, and I don't think I would be at all sure about it if it were me either, but it is a very individual choice.

All the very best :hug:

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