very few symptoms...?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2008
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I know it's still early days for me as I'm only just nearing the 5 and a half week stage, but I don't seem to have many symptoms of being pg - in fact, if I didn't know I was then I wouldn't be able to guess! I've got bigger, sorer boobs and feel tired and achey, but nothing else. Is this normal? When should morning sickness kick in?! Hopefully I'm worrying over nothing, but it'd be good to hear what your experiences were. I've got an early scan at 7 weeks and the time can't go quickly enough, just so I'll know that there's actually something in there!
i felt like this last week then on thursday when i was 4 weeks and 4 days i was sick as a dog!

since then around lunch time each day i feel really sick and often wretch!

i have now done 8 pg tests :oops:

just count yourself lucky that you are not being ill this early but i know how you feel

I didn't start feeling sick until about 6 weeks. Up until then I only had the sore boobs and tiredness. Don't worry! Also I think quite a sizeable percentage of women don't get moring sickness at all.
i wouldnt worry yourself just yet, i wasnt plannin to get pregnant when i did, and didnt have regular periods anyway. so had no idea.
i started feeling a little queezy around 8 weeks (not that i knew at the time) and after a week or so i thought id do a pregnancy test just to be sure.... and there it was. i was pregnant.
so i never had any signs until 8 weeks pregnant and even then it wasnt that much. My mum has had 8 children and with 5 of them she never had any symptoms (morning sickness included) xxxxx
some people are lucky and dont get morning sickness and if you do then id enjoy the time without it whilst you can, i had it from around 7wks every day until about 18wks with summer :puke:
I'm so glad you've said this! I was "Mrs Symptoms" until a couple of days ago when it's all subsided. Not stopped suddenly like with my m/cs but still, the nausea has decreased to almost nothing and my backache has quietened down a lot.

The only symptoms I have of being pregnant are chafed nipples (or it feels like it anyway :? ), a slightly sore belly every now and again and tiredness. But as long as there is no bleeding I am hanging my hopes on everything being fine.

I am still going to take another test tomorrow :lol:
I had virtually no symptoms in tri 1- I had slightly sore boobs around 4-5 weeks and then at 8 weeks I had 3 days when I felt sick if I didn't eat regularly enough then as suddenly as those symptoms arrived, they vanished again! I only ever did one test so was paranoid right up to having my 12 week scan that somehow I'd got it wrong and wasn't pregnant after all! I used to wish that I felt sick again so that I had 'proof'! In hindsight- I was one of the lucky ones- I couldn't have managed if I'd felt sick for more than a few days!
Sickness for me kicked in properly at about 6-7 weeks so I wouldn't worry too much - sure you have all the vomity goodness to look forward to very soon :rotfl:
I really wouldn't worry, you are probably going to be one of the lucky ones that doesn't get too many symptoms.

I am 13+1 and the only symptoms I have are sore boobs (rediculously sore) and tiredness. I've had no sickness, no weight gain (in fact I have lost a stone). The only reason I know I am pregnant besides the tests is because I have the 12 week scan picture to prove it.

I don't feel different at all. I guess I am just lucky. Just watch I will start tomorrow with the mother of all morning sickness but so far so good.

Try not to worry and I wish you and everyone else on here, the very best of luck.

Take care,
Thanks girls, I feel reassured now that perhaps it isn't anything to worry about. Just wait, in a couple of weeks time I'll be on here moaning about being sick all the time! :lol:

Thanks for all your comments :hug:

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