very comforting :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
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Well, af returned yesterday - 1st since my MC last month. I was really upset last nite in the house by myself having a good cry while cleaning lol. I lifted up a pile of stuff and out fell a little white feather. I don't know if any of you believe in this or not or have heard about it before but if you find a white feather its supposed to be from someone you have recently lost who is reminding you that they are there to comfort you and look over you. I had heard about it before but didn't think much of it til last night. I know some of you wil think its rubbish but I can't describe the comfort it gave me. The timing was unbelievable and it instantly lifted my spirits. I honestly believe that my little angel baby sent me this to cheer me up when I was feeling at my worst. If anyone thinks I'm being stupid I'd rather they didn't tell me lol as it gave me the lift I've needed xxxx
Keira I think that's lovely. The association between Angels and white feathers appearing as if from nowhere has been around and believed for so long. I know many people who will swear to it as well as other happenings associated with Angels.
I am certain your baby is always with you no matter what. Love never leaves sweetheart xxxxxxxxx
Ok so I'm not one to make things up but believe it or not i just found another lol and im at work now, not home xxxx
Hi Keira

Course your not being stupid!! I tend to believe in spiritual stuff like this myself, and I can understand how it would give you comfort!! I have heard similiar stories of people who have recently lost someone finding feathers, and it is meant to signify that they are still with you. That connection or bond you made so early on with your little one is always there! xxx
Wow Keira that's sounds amazing gave me goosebumps reading this! Definitely sounds like a message send from ur angel baby. :hugs: xx
:hug: we often find feathers around from our molting canary or our blanket but from now I choose to believe your explanation :hug:
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Its amazing how much comfort a few feathers can bring lol! I definitely believe in things like this and its honestly changed how I've felt these past few days. Just what I needed to help me cope with my loss xxxx
I like this! If it was a facebook status I wud click the "like" button! Strangly, I found a white feather today too! Now I feel comforted too!!!! !abybrain I love ur saying love never leaves! My mum always says love never leaves love! I love it xxx esp following our angel baby xx
It was my mum who suggested it was bean, I was actually thinking oh's grandad. Dani, our little angel babys are there looking out for us :) it feels like it was a reminder to me that they are close by xxxx
:oooo: I saw a white feather today as well.. I was walking the dog .. and it blew in front of me.. somehow it made me feel better.. especially as today should have been my scan date xx
thats so lovely it gave me goosebumps!! i believ in what you are saying its very comforting

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