Velcro baby!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2015
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I've posted about this before I think but I'm really running out of ideas! George has just turned 1 and has been very clingy since 6/7 months- since September he has absolutely refused to sit on anyone but me or my husband. We understand about separation anxiety and think this is what it was. However it is just getting worse and worse, to the point where he will often cry if anyone so much as talks to him on the bus! I feel awful for his grandparents who are desperate to bond with him, and I think friends/family who don't have children are losing patience as they don't understand. He often cries if I move to another part of the room and often just stands clinging to my leg howling when I'm trying to cook. I feel so bad for him and am desperate to help him through this (for myself as much as for him as it's so tiring!)- does anyone have any suggestions / experiences? Is it likely to be an issue throughout his infancy or will he start being more accepting of others?
I really for you, my daughter didn't even like her dad until she was a year old. It was awful for him she stuck to me like glue. My little girl started to grow out of it at one. I love cooking, and really wanted cooking to be my escape from the day, just 15 mins of time on my own but like your lo she clung to my leg. To the point where it was a bit dangerous her being in the kitchen. At times my oh had to take her out of the room and she screamed so we got to a point where she'd stay in his arms in the kitchen and thankfully from there she began to be more trusting of her dad and they would play happily in the dining room. I can't really offer ideas as my daughter grew out of it. One thing we did do, we're farmers and have 3 collies outside who she's loves so we made it so only daddy could take her to see the dog's and if she wanted to go mummy had to stay at home. She loves being outside with daddy now and tells me to stay inside haha it will get better for you but it's very frustrating
Thanks so much for replying- it's very reassuring to read as our situations are so similar, but I'm really glad to hear things have improved for you. Mine has just turned 1- desperate for things to improve so hope he will grow out of it too! In one way I love feeling so needed and vital, but I do feel sad as I think he's starting to miss out- so many people are desperate to make a fuss of him and he's not having any of it. He sat in the kitchen sink while I cooked tonight- bless him!!
My eldest was like this, maybe not as extreme (she was fine moving rooms asking as I was there) but she was petrified of strangers and even grandparents (especially men) for a long time! She's now 3.5yr and is soooooo much better! Granted she is a little shy at first when meeting new people but she soon warms up

I don't think we did anything particular just encouraged her to talk to new people, made sure she left safe around new people (sat with her and calmed her down) gave jobs to the granddad that we knew our dd would like (like giving her a biscuit, playing with her favourite toy)

All I can say is that they do get better the older they get and the more you can explain! But it is heartbreaking seeing people get so hurt by your child's reaction to them, just remember and explain it's not your child's fault and people need to respect boundaries x


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