

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hi,wasnt actually sure where to post this but anyway....i just wondered if anyone here has had a vbac (vaginal birth after caesarian) and what was their experiences of it.

For those who dont know,i am currently ttc baby no.4!
I had 2 natural births then had an emergency c section with my youngest due to him been an undetected 'footling' breech. I'd hate to have another c section,and always felt my oh missed out on seeing his son been naturally born (elder 2 aren't his),ive read stuff on the interenet about it but it seems that most r persuaded 2 have another c section or are heavily monitored thru labour.

I'd love a home birth but i know thats highly unlikely to happen but id still like to give birth as naturally as possible with little intervention,just got a feeling its gonna b a battle to get my own way.

HELP!! xxxxx
My 1st child was a C/S but I never needed a C/S after that :)

I had no problems in giving birth after the C/S although they told me my labour was just a trial but I knew I could do it :)
I have had 3 C/S but not beacuse I was pursuaded , I had a previous OP in late teens, and they said I had to have sections to prevent un doing that OP! Before the consultants realise they start going on about Vbac and seem fairly positive that it can happen in most cases deopendant on the final reason the section took place, eg if your hips are too small then it should happen again, but if just baby in distress and labour not progressing then vbac should all be posible next time.

Good luck X
I don't see why they would want you to have another section, especially after already having 2 natural births. I think they usually try and encourage natural births were possible though so you should be fine. Its up to you at the end of the day x
Thanks,I feel better about it now. The Internet can b a v scary place wen lookin 4 info lol xx
Im planning a VBAC this time after an emergency section almost 2 years ago. My consultant is pro-VBAC as there was absolutely no medical reason for the section, it was just that my temperature went up and they wanted baby out immediately. The reason they monitor you closely is to check for scar rupture but Im going to refuse continuous monitoring as I want to stay as mobile as possible and not lay on my back for the duration.

Good luck - Im sure you will find that your health pro's are also pro-VBAC :)
I am going for a VBAC this time after an emergency section in 2006 although have discussed with midwife that if pre-eclampsia problems or baby back to back again I would more than likely opt for an elective. If I did a trial of labour though I would be more open to an epidural given that it may end up as a section anyway. Will have to wait and see how things progress.
When I had my third child , I was 4 weeks pregnant following a section with number 2 , I had low pain in the scar area and having done this twice before knew this was not right! So told the consultants many times and they just said take it easy your too busy with your olther small kids, pregnancy does hurt!!!

I kept getting fobbed off and then had the baby by elective section, good job really as when she cut the layers she said she saw a foot go by!!! She called it a window on the womb, as it had ruptured!!!

I could have told them that !!! These hospitlals need to listen to mums more, as you know your own body better than they!!!

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