Vasectomy Reversal


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Hi all

As some of you may be aware, my partner had a vasectomy reversal 3 years ago (we decided not to start trying straight away). Anyhow, I have just depressed myself by reading up about it on the internet. Apparantly, we only have a slim chance of conceiving. I'm devastated. Naively, I assumed because it had been successful, everything would be fine, apparantly not...

Anyone been through similar with a happy ending to cheer me up a bit?

Kim :(
Hi Kim
Maybe this will cheer you up a little bit.

My hubby had a vasectomy about 7-8 years ago, before I met him.
About 6 months into our relationship I found out I was pregnant.

He didn't even have a reversal!
We were trying for quite a while for number two, and I got really worried that number one was just a fluke. He had a low sperm count anyway when he was tested before the vastectomy.
It was all worrying for nothing though, as I'm now 11 weeks!

I also read your other thread, and would say to you not to rely too much on cervical mucus, or even the 14th day rule, I am convinced I ovulated about day 7 and had hardly any cervical mucus at all.
If you are worried about when you are ovulating, you could always buy some ovulation tests, I bought some from ebay and they were REALLY cheap, the kind a doctor uses.

Good luck, you will get there!
Congratulations Urchin!!

You have been lucky enough to be blessed twice!! :o I am really moved by your story, and it just goes to show what is meant to be will be. I am going to start some positive thinking and hope that helps a bit. You have made me feel so much better thank you so much, you have given me my hope back. :D

Looking forward to testing now!!

Kim xx
Glad you feel better, good luck and let us know!
Hi everybody

Well my partner went to the docs today and has come home with a little pot and instructions and he has to take in his 'sample' in to the hospital on friday morning. 4 days later he has to go back to the doctors to discuss the result and we will know our fate (for want of a better word!!).

I will let you all know how we get on.

I feel better already knowing we are doing something about it and someone is helping us.

Kim xx
Hi Kim

Fingers crossed it'll all be fine. You sound more positive about it today and I agree that when you're doing something about a situation and people are also on the case it helps brings your spirits up.

Best of luck

It sounds like your spirits are up....glad to hear that. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck with the testing.

Just an update - partner has decided not to take in his sample til tues. Bit disappointed but I can't pressure him or we will end up arguing and thats no good. He says it's because he can't get the time off Fri but I think he is putting it off cos he is worried about the result, which I totally understand, and what difference will a couple of days make in the long run anyway. If he takes it in on Tuesday, we should get the results back Monday of the next week, so I will update you then. Just got to wait for AF to arrive (or not hopefully). Testing Fri 13th, but AF has been known to turn up earlier, so could happen as early as Sunday - HOPE NOT!!

Speak later

Kim xx
Hi Kim,

Not sure wherther you know or not, but you can buy male fertlity test kits to use at home - same day results and less stressful for your other half! Try I've just ordered some cheap ovulation test kits from them, and they arrived within 24 hours. Good luck to you both!
Hi Kim.

I'll be thinking about you, try to stay positive, remember even if you do eventually get what sounds like a neg result from your docs, there is still hope and he could get further treatment.

Even guys with low sperm counts can father children, if you look online there is lots of lifestyle and diet advice for raising a low count.

For example, tell him not to have hot baths, not to wear tight underwear and to eat a high-zinc diet. I bought so many bananas while TTC and it must have helped somehow!

By the way, how long have you been TTC?

Let us know how you get on!
Hi Urchin

We have been trying since the new year. Not that long really I know but better to sort any potential problems now rather than try for months with no luck first. I'm having positive thoughts for now anyway. Thanks for your support. You guys really make things a lot more bearable.

Kim xx

Thanks for your suggestion, but I dont think it will work for me because we need to know the quality of the sperm rather than quntity due him having the op. Apparantly your body can create antibodies to the sperm which damage them when you have that kind of procedure.

Thanks a lot anyway, and I will definately look into it.

Kim xx
Hey again Kim

I was TTC for about 7 months so don't get too down yet, the average time to get pregnant is a year remember! I'm sure everything is fine and nature just has to take it's course.
Hi Kim

I think some of the kits check the sperm motility as well as count, so double check if you look into it.

Either way, let us know how you get on, and best wishes!

I am very new to this posting stuff but I thought I would give it a go and hopefully give someone some hope. My hubby had a vasectomy reversal in January and I am now pregnant after just 6 months TTC. The original op was 9 years ago so I wasn't hopeful at all.
Anyway, he had micro surgery at Rosshall bmi hospital in Glasgow with a great surgeon called Mr Almushatat. The cost was around 2,250 but well worth it.
We are both in our late thirties so to achieve pregnancy so quickly was amazing. He is obviously a very talented surgeon who deserves to be mentioned.
I hope this brings hope to all you TTC.

Best of luck


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