Vampire child

Lola's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Lola's turned into a little vampire over the weekend and keeps biting everyone :(

She bit her cousin yesterday because he started playing with some of her toys and she didn't want him to. She got his hand and pulled it towards her mouth and almost bit his finger off :shock:
She'll also bite me, OH and anyone else that does something she doesn't agree with.

I pretty sure it's down to teething as she only has 6 teeth ATM but i'm not sure what to do about it :?

I'm currently telling her no and that it's very naughty in a stern voice and moving her away from whoever she has biten. Sometimes this is working but sometimes she is just laughing and comes back to do it again :doh:

I don't really know what else to do as she's only 13 months. My mum has said to tap her hand but i don't believe in smacking/hiting :shakehead:

Any ideas on what else i could try?
They all do it I'm afraid :( I just did what you did with Paris.

My mum used to bite us when we bit :shock:
thats what i would say bite her back not hard obvirously but enough for her to relise its wrong thats what il do with thomas if he starts biting people on perpose
most people wont agree with it nowaday but we all got bit when younger never did us any harm
I don't think i could bite her back, I'd feel awful after wards and also be worried about her thinking it was a game :(

How long does it normally last before they learn it's wrong?
I just try to ignore it and try to turn his attention to something else straight away. I try to make him think i didnt even notice him doing it. he doesnt do it anymore but i dont know if it because what i have done has worked or if he just grew out of it.
Manda&Thomas said:
thats what i would say bite her back not hard obvirously but enough for her to relise its wrong thats what il do with thomas if he starts biting people on perpose
most people wont agree with it nowaday but we all got bit when younger never did us any harm

wtf??? biting a child to teach them not to bite is confusing for a child - nevermind awful
As well as saying NO, put her down and walk away - they don't like this at all.
Ryan does it too but only to me, I have no idea why. When nursery saw him do it to me they were amazed, and he's never done it to OH. He does think it's funny though. It's probably a bit harsh but I just pull a sad face and pretend like it's really hurt me and he gets all sad for me and you can see he feels bad. Doesn't seem to have worked though, but I'm glad it's only mine and Ryans 'game' and he doesn't do it as a matter of course to others. No idea what to suggest really - has she got it off another child like copying from a playgroup or nursery, maybe ask the staff there?

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