
Emma C

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Not sure if anyone else has this problem, Katie has starting nipping and it really hurts. She is only eight months old and I am sure she doesn't realise, always goes for your face. We have stopped saying ouch when she does it as I thought that she might think it was a game, I even tried saying "no" in a stern voice and guess what, she laughed at me. :evil: Also very difficult to be stern when someone looks so cute.

I was just wondering does anyone elses baby do this???? and do you have any tips on how to stop it??????

I think I may have given birth to a devil child!!!!!!!!! what amazes me the most is she never does it to herself.

Em xxxxxxxxxxxx
hi hun i got the same prob with colby and shes only 4 months, shes had me bleeding a few times but thats partly my fault as i cant cut her nails she just wont keep still and im scared i cut her fingers :shock:

I dont know if Colby will grow out of this but she is the same if you say ouch she giggles and does it harder, well it seems to be harder but just not sure if she knows what she is doing, well obviously shedoesnt know cos shes still a baby.

I do put mitts on her still and it helps a little but she just pulls them off and throws them away.

But because your LO is much older i really cant suggest anything at all.
Adele done it though when shewas 2 shewent through a fase of nipping and biting people and it gotto a stage where i couldnt cope with it and every time she done it to me i would do it to her and within 1 week it all stopped :? I dont think i was right in doing that but it did stop it all,

Hope she gets better for you soon hun, i got a bruise under my arm right now cos Colby nipped me, dug her nails in and pulled my skin thismorning
i had to walk away, it was that sore i didnt know wether to laugh or

take care hun
Ella does this! when she is asleep between us this is usually how we are woken up! ouch! I think it may be to get attention maybe? seems to be with Ella!
Jack always nips my right arm when i am carrying him, it really hurts, duno what to suggest but you are deff not alone in this :hug:

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