Valentines Day


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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What are people doing this year?

I cooked a really nice meal last year, but have my brother here and also not easy to spend lots of time on when little one is here to.
Money is tight so cant afford to go out for a meal.
Cant afford a present.
Nights in consist of me on laptop, him on computer not time together. Not into films really as i dont have the patience to sit and watch them.

How useless am i?!

Any ideas appreciated :D
We are going for a meal at Bella Italia on the 13th with my tesco clubcard vouchers(HOW ROMANTIC :lol:) We are going on the 13th because I am working a 14 hour shift on the 15th so don't want to go out the night before. It will probably be cheaper on the 13th anyway because they put the prices up for Valentines Day. I might get a heart cutter though for his sandwiches or some heart chocolates to put in his lunch box. We don't normally buy presents we just buy cards.
My dh will be working from 6am til 6pm so I doubt he'll be in the mood for much romance :lol: I'll cook something special though and I've made him a gift bag of his fave sweets and retro sweets from when we were kids. We're a bit skint with buying a new house so I thought it was a nice idea, I also got a little balloon for 50p from card factory saying I love you :lol: it's cute! So yeah not much going on!
We'll probably be too busy dealing with Ryan's crying and Josh's tantrums to do anything special together, that's how it usually is on any given day so I can't imagine Valentines Day being any different :(
Last year valentines day we were skint, so I got a little black book full of plain paper, bought like 2 sheets of red paper and decorated it a bit - it was "101 reasons why I love you" lol

Bit sad, but wrote a reason on pretty much every page and numbered them - I just made my writing a little bit fancy and drew hearts and stuff on the pages. It took a while but I was really proud of it and it was damn cheap! :rotfl:

OH god I've just realised how sad that was to do!!!

Aww i think thats quite sweet. But my oh would probably leave it on the side to look at "later" but never do it like most of the valentines gifts i give him.

One year i bought some kinky cards that you scratch off the silver stuff to reveal something abit sexy to do. They are all still sat where he left them unscratched :(
Ive already made my valentines cake last week (couldn't wait)
It was a love heart sponge one covered in chocolate that said i love you with pink lil hearts. He loved it.

Having the best prezzy ever this year though, Our scan is on valentines day and we are secretly hoping to find out the sex. Then going out for a meal at night.
I;ve bought sean a footy mug and want to get him some beers and some heart choccies and a nice gift bag, already got his card and I'll probably treat us to a takeaway as well :D
well as he is in plymouth and i am in colchester were not doing very much lol
i am gonna cook him a meal and watch a film etc on the friday wen he get home
Its just another day of the year. Nothing special to us :D
OH loves Haribo Horror Mix and Jelly Babies, so will buy him a pack of each. I treat him to packs throughout the year anyway :wink:
midna said:
Just treat him to a good session :wink: ..throw yourself at him like it was the first night all over again.

First night of what? :shock: My OH didn't even get a full blown snog on the first night :shakehead:

I totally forgot it was valentine's day this month! :oops: I'm so excited about the new baby I've been forgetting about normal annual events :wall:
Same as last year... nothing! We will be skint after paying ALL the bills and the rent so we are pretty much having a night in but I plan to make a really nice (cheap!) meal and have it ready for him coming in from work. Last year we ordered a chinese.. won't even be able to afford that this year! :rotfl:

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