I found out today, that ive got yet another UTI! Im still on meds for the last one!!!
I was put on Amoxicillin for the 1st one, Flucloxacillin for the 2nd one. Got no idea what they are going to do about this one. They have sent tests off to see what will get rid of it . I just feel like i have shifted one 'problem' and another one appears! Its all too much today
Has anyone else had problems with infections? Is there anything else (apart from drinking loads of fluids and LOADS of tips to the loo) that i can do to help?
I was put on Amoxicillin for the 1st one, Flucloxacillin for the 2nd one. Got no idea what they are going to do about this one. They have sent tests off to see what will get rid of it . I just feel like i have shifted one 'problem' and another one appears! Its all too much today
Has anyone else had problems with infections? Is there anything else (apart from drinking loads of fluids and LOADS of tips to the loo) that i can do to help?