Strep B - uhhhh!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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Just had a phone call from the mw to say i have a uti - strep b... errrrm any girls out there tested postive for this? I had a uti in january but they didnt say what type and i was just put on anti biotics. She says i've to take anti biotics and i will be given an injection - well a drip, when i get to the hospital when i'm in labour... Apparently the uti can bring on contractions - now i'm worrying the pains i've been getting is this! but i don't know..:-(

i have to admit... i googled :-( got myself all worried as you do!....

If its not one thing its another! I've had uti's before, but the stuff i read online, and the fact this one has a NAME scares me!!

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oh sorry hun. Dont know much about it but at least you will be monitored. I was on anti biotics in labour was just a pain being attached to a drip xx
When I had swabs taken last year when I had a mc they found that I had strep B at the time - NOTHING to do with the mc by the way so nothing to worry about there. They said that you can carry it without having any probs or knowing about it at all. The stuff you read probably said it can cause some probs for baby when being born but that is only if they don't know you've got it so aren't put on the drip in labor. Because they have found out about it they will do what they need to and so baby will be safe.
hiya.. aw sorry to hear you're worried... i don't know a great deal about it but i agree completely with beanster - now they know about it you and baby should be absolutely fine - it's only when they don't know that it can possibly cause probs. i'm sure i remember reading that something like a quarter of all women have group strep b at various times and it has no symptoms so you don't even know about it.. i paid to get privately tested for it with both pregnancys and will do again in the future if we have any more babies. Now they know about it you should be absolutely fine. A friend of mine tested positive and had no problems in labour - they just got her straight on the anti-biotics. Try not to worry too much and speak to your MW or GP if you want to talk to someone about it...

other than that hope eveything else is going ok for you... can't believe you're 34 weeks nearly - that's gone really quickly!!! take care and catch up soon x x x
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Thanks girls, i just had a wee freak out yesterday :-(, it actually made me feel sick because of worrying! I just want baba to be okay. Yeah i guess at least they know so i will be put on a drip just incase the infection comes back, so it should stop any problems for baba.

ahh i know treeze its crazy how time flies isn't it! I keep looking at her bouncing chair and moses basket and thinking "there will be a wee person in that soon!" I'm so excited! Hope you and baby Emma are well :-)

x x x

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