UTI? And made to feel guilty for wanting a Dr's appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Just wondering if the cramps I have been having are a UTI? I have had quite bad cramps in my lower back and a couple of sharp twinges in my lower abdomen. No burning when I pee but I still want it checked. I pjoned the MW and she said best to make appointment with the doc for today. I phone my surgery and tell them MW says for me to see Dr today. The receptionist gets all huffy and puffy as my Dr is away on holiday and she says "I will have to give you an emergency appointment with another dr but they ARE supposed to be for emergencies only!" She didn't know why I needed an appointment and surely a real emergency would go to A+E? It's not my fault or problem that my Dr is on holiday! Its really upset me and made me feel guilty for wanting to get checked out :(
I never understand why doctors receptionists are like this :( they are the same at mine!! Don't EVER feel bad about it hun you are entitled to an appointment! And especially if midwife says!!! xx
Some receptionists can be real power trippers! I remember years ago when I still lived at home I was peeing pure blood and in pain so rang my GP for emergency appointment and the recepionist refused to give me one. I was only 18 and my parents were on holiday so I rang my mum crying and she rang the GP and gave the receptionist a piece of her mind.......I had an appointment an hour later lol.

Know how you feel on the UTI front - I'm on my second infection in the space of a month :(
I also got back pain and sharp twingers in my lower tummy, was definitely the UTI, now I'm on anti-biotics the pains have cleared up. My issue now is I have developed thrush due to taking so many anti-biotics close together :(
I'm thinking about complaining about her when I go to the doctors about her. They make you feel like you have to tell them what is wrong with you just so that you can get an appointment. I feel all angry and upset by it.

I'm hoping the pains are stretching pains not a UTI. I don't like taking any meds when I am pregnant. Last pregnancy I took a grand total of about 8 paraceatamol for the whole pregnancy...until my 4 day labour. Then I had everything! Lol
Don't get me started on doctors appointments, the whole system where I am is a joke.

If I have something non urgent to speak to the doctor about, I try to make an appointment for a week or so ahead (because I do shift work and its hard to get a suitable appointment) and they tell me I cant book further than a week ahead! So silly! So they tell me to call on the day for an emergency appointment as they leave a lot free each day...but it makes you feel so bad for taking up an appointment that someone might need for a more urgent matter! Plus if you don't call bang on 8am then you miss the appointments all together so really you can't book in advance and its hard to book on the day - gotta love the doctors!

I hate receptionists like that! They're awful. From the sound of yours no emergency appointments should ever be taken if they all go to A&E, what a silly woman! Don't ever feel bad for needing to see a doctor and stand your ground with the nasty ones on reception.
I have a personal policy to never tell them at all what is wrong with me (unless its a full on illness that means I feel like I'll die unless I get an appointment that morning), I don't see it as anyones business but mine what is wrong with me, just always tell them it's personal.
Hope you're feeling better soon :)
i hate phoning my doc surgery, have had nothing but hassel with the receptionists that work there, i love it though when they start trying to make up a lot of shit and i just go well actually i work in the nhs and thats not the proceedure, winds them right up lol! xxx
I phoned my doctors earlier as I have an issue with pregnancy vitamins (Nurse practitioner recommended I take some as I am SO run down, but I can't because they have folic acid in them and I am already taking a huge amount on prescription and because they all contain sugar).This isn't something I really want an emergency/on the day appointment for, but the nearest appointment they can give me is June 25th!!! I will go as an on the day appointment on a quiet day!!

I think they need to make it easier to become a doctor, because there must be a national shortage of GP's or something!
Yeah thats like my docs they give either on the day appts or if u want to "plan" one its weeks away!

I have to phone at 0830 and by then its chocka by the time you get through theres none left and ive explained before i cant phone at 0830 as im driving to work(dnt drive lol but i dont fancy sharing on a bus) she says u can pullover i says not on the motor way n she says ohwell theres none left and hung up! I get my mum to phone now as i always lose the rag! The new appt system sucks!
Sod them the idiots! It's is an emergency to you and I'd of done the same. I really don't know where people in this day and age get off being horrible and stuffy to other people. I think she's in the wrong job!
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I have had the same problem on many occasions.. They act like guard dogs! Don't feel guilty for making an appointment with your Dr.. And you should definitely complain!! Xxxx

Hope your feeling better soon :) x
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Hwy ladies can I jisy check what antibiotocs you have beem taking. I. Urrently have a iti and a bit confises by the medocation I jave been prescrobed! Many thamls x
Well I didn't have a UTI which is good news...BUT...am furious with what the Nurse Practitioner said to me!!!!!

I was sitting in her room with my LO on my knee (she is 11 1/2 months old), when I said to her that I suspected a UTI and I am 9 weeks pregnant, she said to me.."You're pregnant again?! Already?! Planning on having a big family are we?!" It doesn't look much written down, I only wish I could put in her sarcastic tone! How dare she?! Who is she to judge if I am pregnant again and what importance is it to her? She is there to diagnose and treat me, not to make me feel judged!
Oh my goodness! I hope you told her that you did not appreciate her tone and remark and that when you sought her opinion you would jolly well ask! x
No I didn't. I was too shocked! I am thinking about mentioning it to my own GP when he is back though.
if you want to pop out babies till the cows go home thats your business :s i hate uppety nurses who put theyr nebs in!
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