Uterus stretching question?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Hello girlies, i was just wondering whether because my loss was quite recent, would my uterus have gone back its usual size by now?

I only ask as before i knew i was pregnant last time i had a niggling pain right across my pelvis, which i know now would have been my uterus expanding,

I have got a similar niggling pain now but not as severe as last time and i am wondering whether that is because my uterus has already stretched and so doesnt need to?
Hi NW1,

From what I remember, everything seemed back to normal within a couple of weeks. If it was an early miscarriage I don't know that you would have stretched that much, although it could make a difference.

In the end I couldn't make head or tail of my symptoms, and when I was pregnant I don't think the symptoms were distinguishable from usuall until I got to about 11-12 dpo.

All the very best - hope this is your month! :pray:
I hope that you get a positive result in 6 days :pray: but if you dont then dont lose heart keep trying and it will happen I lost my first baby at 10 weeks 3 years ago the pregnancy was unplanned but ery much wonted. After i lost the baby i was back at work 3 days later i had not stretching feeling due to the earlieness of my loss. But my brests expressed the milk which was heartbreaking :cry: . Any way me and my man began trying in April and 5 months later we became pregnant. :D If it dosnt happen stright away it could be just your body settling down and recovering. Give it time
Good luck and sending baby dust your way :angel:
Well that niggling pain thing is obviously a pregnancy symptom for me as i have had ot both times i have had a BFP so will be keeping this one stored in my memory!

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