Painful achy uterus?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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For today and yesterday, my uterus has been really achy.
It's low down, below my belly button, but if i move quickly, or get up from sitting down, or bend over to pick something up i'll get a sharp pain and it will hurt for a few mins. It's generally achy too.

and i've just sneezed and it was agony, it really hurt.

im thinking its my uterus stretching, has anyone had this? should i be worried and get checked out?
i get the sneeze soreness and its doing my head in co it happens when I laugh hard too and I work with some people who can be really funny. It makes me yelp :roll: but the doc says its all stretching and making way for LO X
It sounds like your muscles and ligaments stretching but if you're at all worried ring your midwife, that's what they're there for and she'll be able to tell you better.
I do get this when getting up from sitting down, and have found myself more prone to a 'stich' when out walking which I put down to a stretching thing.
I have had an achey bump lately mostly when I walk the dog. I think Oscar is getting really heavy (like a bowling ball)! He is also moving about more and scraping my sides. I asked the midwife about it at my last appointment and she said it is most likely that he is moving about close to my stomach ligaments which have limited stretchability and so it is more painful. Perhaps your little girl is doing the same but lower down. I hope it eases up for you :hug: Probably nothing to worry about but worth mentioning to your midwife, I reckon :D
thanks everyone.
im back at the midwife on friday after my scan, so i'll speak to them then.

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