is my uterus the problem?


Active Member
Jun 21, 2007
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odd question but..been ttc for years now. had IVF with previous partner. Now looking a IVF with partner. had unsucesful IUI earlier this year.
wondering, depsite doctors waving this question away,m whether the rather extreme pain I get about 4 days to a week before each period is normal or whether this is a problem. It feels like my uterus is contracting, just like period pains but this happens before the period.
Is this normal? I never talk about periods with friends so not sure! I have got it into my head that my uterus keeps kicking any fertilised eggs out. COUld this be possible? Is there any medicaiton to keep my insides calmer?
Other than this periods been normal (4 days, normal-ish bleed)
is there any point doing IVF again when this is happening?
please help, doctors been rubbish, both at surgery and clinic but this pain is real and hurts!
You would have to have your hormones checked to see if there is an imballance - too much estrogen or not enough progesterone.
When havign IVF do they not check your hormones?
thanks, that is what is puzzling me, I have had day 2 and day 21 blood tests and thyroid tests and all hormone levels are normal.
what would too much progesterone or oestrogen do though?
What makes your uterus contract each month to cause a period?
when you start your period its because your progesterone drops and your estrogen then becomes the main hormone, after ovulation it swaps over.
if you are pregnant your progesterone should kick in more but for some it doesnt and the estrogen rules and you start bleeding and probably miscarrying - if it was to a hormone imbalance that is.

If you read posts by Americans you find they get their progesterone checked along with their hcg, they dont really do it in this country as much.
wow, thanks for that.
is it progesterone that is responsible for swollen boobs and PMS too?
Maybe I should ask for a test for progesterone? are they offered in this country?
do you know of any supplements that could help? I read somewhere that green tea makes your uterus contract and so does pineapple. there is so much rubbish out there!

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