Urine Infection


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I am going to try to get an Appointment today for Arianna as I think she has a urine infection.
The last few days her wee has been really strong smelling.

She defo isn't dehydrated (i know strong smelling wee is a symptom) she drinks loads of water everyday (she isnt a juice fan)

Anything else it could be????

Has any of your little ones had Urine Infections and if so did the doc give anything for it?
My lo had a urine infection last week, but we only found out about it when we took her to hospital because she had other symptoms, she is on antibiotics to get rid of it.
Hopefully arianna hasnt got a infection, fingers crossed.
Lucy has a medical condition that makes her prone to urine infections, she is usually prescribed erythromycin antibiotics for them. Other symptoms to note are unusual/increased thirst, reduced appetite, sometimes pain when weeing (although Lucy rarely had this) and raised temperature.

Hope you get on ok at the docs, and hope Arianna doesn't feel too bad!
They called and said they were running behind with appointments due to an emergancy and would I mind coming tomorrow :roll:

So back tomorrow afternoon
lil miss had a urine infection last month... She had wee that smelled like poop... and she wee'd a lot... as well as being constantly thirsty.

The other sign was that she had a temperature but absolutely no other symptoms... She would cry at odd times which we worked out were when she wee'd as it must have stung, but otherwise nothing, she was so happy in herself.

She got some antibiotics (after a bust up with the doctor but thats a different story) and we were told to offer her diluted cranberry juice, which is what we give her all the time now in order to help prevent further repercussions.

My SIL is apparently really prone to them and has had them on and off since birth so lil miss will probably be the same :(

I hope Arianna gets better soon.. :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
lil miss had a urine infection last month... She had wee that smelled like poop... and she wee'd a lot... as well as being constantly thirsty.

That is exactly it!!! It smells like she has had a runny bum. And her nappy in the morning is always so close to bursting point... infact it did leak on Mon and Wed night as I had to change all her bedding.

She hasnt drank anymore than usual, but she always drinks plenty water (she isnt a juice fan) I actually got some cranberry juice today when I was shopping so might give her some in the morning when she wakes.
She hasnt had a temperature tho. But has shown little interest in her potty this week, just wants a nappy on all the time rather than her panties when we are in the house.

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