Urine infection


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Has anyone else had one of these after a loss and / or D&C? I had a D&C over 2 weeks ago but have had some lower abdominal pains on one side all last week and this morning a definite urine infection (like cystitis) with a slight fever. Am going to the docs on weds anyway but wondered if it was common?
It is really common after a d&c, i had one in january, can your dr not see you b4 wednesday? or even give you a prescription?
Ok, thanks - is good to know cos I know it's easily treated

They probably would but it's just awkward with work, docs is near home which is a 40mins tube ride, so it’d mean taking an afternoon off – gonna get some cranberry juice and bicarbonate of soda and try and hold out!
Sent you a PM again Claire but it's just sitting in my outbox! So here it is:

Hiya - just wanted to say have a lovely holiday - is it tomorrow that you go? I'm sure it'll make you feel better and able to enjoy a fresh start TTC when you get back! Do you think your preg test is from the old pregnancy? I may do one today, before there's a chance I could get pregnant again, just to see - will let you know, as I know we had the D&C on the same day.

I had a lovely weekend with hubby and we had sex with no protection yesterday, afterwards he said he would be really happy if we got pregnant again - I think he's a little bit 50/50 and would rather let fate decide than us make a decision to actually TTC but there's definitely hope so I feel much better! Except I think I have a urine infection.....


Will ask the administrators why it's not working!
thats great :cheer: so you are now ttc
thanks, we go on holiday tomorrow im looking forward to it but i wish i new if i was pregnant b4 i went so i could be carefull.

It would be good if you do a test b4 you start as i wish i had done one, im in limbo land i dont know if its a new pregnancy or old hormones, i feel pregnant, feel sick, nipples bigger and tingle, feel bloated, and got a headache, but i really dont know :wall: it does seem too soon to get a positive :think: I was going to wait till i came back from holiday to do another test but i did one this morning :oops: and its still positive, its a different brand so i dont know if the line is darker.
Well yep, I spose we kind of are although we’re not calling it TTC officially!

It’s a difficult one, in theory your hormones should go down quite quickly after a D&C and as you’ve had no extra bleeding etc it must mean that everything is clear – so you could be, but also it does seem soon :think: If you go by your normal cycle, when is your ovulation / AF due?
my cycle is usually 26-28 days, so i dont know if i should count the day of my d&c as the first day of af?
Yeah, I assume it must be - which means you'd probably be early to show up just yet anyway. I guess if you wait til you get back off holiday and do another test then it might be more reliable - and enjoy yourself on holiday "moderately"!

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