Urgent advice!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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We just had a call from the hospital that OH's nan is not going to make it through the night and they have moved her into a private room so we can stay with her until she passes. I can't get a babysitter! Would you or wouldn't you take a 3 month old to say goodbye to her? It's nothing contagious. She has cancer
Soooo sorry for you! I suppose if you can't find a sitter, I would take her with you. :hugs:
so sorry to hear this :hugs: i would say just take her if you cant get a sitter :hugs: xx
Lots of love to you all!!

If you can't get a sitter then take her, hopefully she'll sleep in the pram while you're there? To be honest in a private room you should be fine with her anyway?

I'd take her too hon.
So sorry to hear this. :hugs: xxx
I would take her for nans sake actually. It would probably somewhere in her mind give her a little boost. x
so sorry, big hugs. I would take her with you, she might be a comfort to everyone there at a difficult time.
I'm so sorry hun, I would take her with you. I'm sure she will be fine.

My Fil has just passed away from cancer, it's a horrible disease. He was diagnosed with it 2 weeks after C was born and we went to see him in hospital when he was getting treatment and C was fine.

Yes there's always a nurse about who's perfectly willing to cuddle a baby if need be!
I'd check with the hospital first. I was in hospital last week & my LO wasn't allowed to visit due to babies carrying germs. I wasnt in a private room though so you might be ok.
Yes if the hospital will let you then take her. Your nan will love seeing her xx
I would double check with the hospital but if they say it's ok then take her with you, babies have a way of giving everyone that little boost when needed.

So very sorry to hear this.
take her with you lou she's young and won't remember and gives you piece of mind also, so sorry about your loss as well cancers a bitch hugs to you all xxx
Sorry for your news :( I would take baby with you. My mum was seriously ill with a heart condition a few months ago and we had that phonecall to go in as they didn't think she would make it, they were perfectly happy with my daughter there.
Thanks ladies :)

I didn't go unfortunately, rang the ward and asked the Nurse if I could bring her and she told me that although they have no rules to say no, she really advises I don't bring her in as her immune system isnt developed enough to cope if she catches anything. I just let OH go without me.

He's just got back now and told me she was crying as she can tell that something is going on due to all the family turning up. She can barely talk and is finding it hard to breathe. Cancer sucks!

:-( god how awful for her, i understand the reasoning from the hospital though, cancer really does suck, lets hope she falls asleep and goes that way so its nice and peaceful for her hugs xxxx

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