

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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hi, this i wendys husband she asked me to let you all know`that she is being induced on thursday.
we found out monday as at first they though she may have pre-enclampsia but thankfully she is ok.

they are keeping her in hospital untill they induce her as they said it would be best as they can monitor her.as her blood pressure is too high.

she will be 37 weeks when induced and babys estmatedb weight now is nearly 8 pounds.

not much of a typer on forums as i dont use them but ill let you all know how she gets on
Aw best of luck to both of you :hug:

Thank you for letting us know :D
Thinking of you and LO Wend - thanks for keeping us updated Wend's OH.

Valentine xxx
aww wish i had mine now :)

goodluck to both of u and may u be holding your lo very soon :) :hug: :cheer:
good luck for thursday.. not to long to wait now wend hun..

thanks for the update wends oh :hug:
Oh my gosh thats scary as Wend, Nicola and i have the same due date, i can't believe how quick its come round.

Good luck! :cheer:
Hope all goes ok, we have the same EDD so it's rather exciting to know she's having her baby already!! Maybe mine will come soon too!! Tell her to get lots of rest, were thinking of her :hug:
Thanks for posting Mr Wend. :D

Poor Wend having to sit out the last few days in hospital. I hope her BP stabilises a bit after the rest. Of course it's great news that she'll be having LO a bit earlier though. :clap:

Hope all goes well for you all. I look forward to reading an update later.


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