Update On my symptoms.!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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So here's my symptoms so far,

I had a very small bleed friday before last. (nothing since then)
Had a BFN On the saturday.
Af not due til the 10th (3 days from now)
I havn't really been checking my BBT But it's 36.8 at the moment.
Sat,Sun,Mon, Tues,Wed,Thurs Feeling very tired, Having 11-13 hour sleeps and still wanting more.
Last night couldn't sleep a wink, Tired but couldn't sleep.
I've had no cramps really just the odd one,
Alot of wind for the past week and a half.
Feeling very angry and then feeling like i want to cry most of the time (usual sign af is coming)
Had dishcharge since the small bleed.
And i usualy only get dishcharge a couple of days before Af is coming (like a sign to let me know she's on her way)
At the moment have abit of a weird taste in my mouth cant really describe it, But feels as though i''ve licked a 1p coin lol!
Mild backache, Feeling bloated.
I had thrush for a day or 2 last week.
Going for a pee more often but then again i have drank tons of water (very thirsty)
And that's all i can think of at the moment.

What do you ladies think?
Ive heard that coppery taste in the mouth can be an early preg sign, and all else seems kinda promising!

Good luck hun :D
Sounds really promising!! It really does. Got everything crossed for you!

I forgot to list on my symptoms the funny taste i cant describe, and i had a very sore throat which lasted a day - then it was better!

Good luck!!
yeah sounds promising...keep us informed and good luck hun :hug: :pray: :hug:
Another Update!

Well today was layin down and i had a mild pain near my right hip. Where ovary is.

Could this be a symptom?
or not?
AF hasn't got me so far! So i'm hoping the witch doesn't come lol.
I havn't tested yet as i've been at a funeral today (had lotsa wind.. not good lol ans i have heartburn now, felt kinda nausiated in the car on way there)

Have decided to wait Tomorrow or friday to see if the wich does come.
Hope not ! :pray:
Well so far so good! No AF as of yet but all signs she's coming! But no cramps or backache that i usualy get.

Past few nights i've had some really really weird dreams :wall:

Since i woke up today constant bubbly feelin in my stomache.

So duno
*starts chanting*

:clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap:


Good luck
:clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap:


TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap:
Well af got me last night
So i didnt want to get my hopes up too high.
So there's always next month =]

Sorry to hear af arrived.

As you say there is always next month, keep positive and you'll get there soon i'm sure.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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