Update on Lexusno1 **UPDATED**

haha! just seen this and had a little giggle :) glad you're ok...and this has shamed me into considering buying some veet on the way home tomorrow!!! xx
LOLOL! It was more than a look tho! I know it was an internal examination but it was soooo invasive!

The midwife wheeled in a big f**k off industrial looking lamp and he hoisted my bed up to his chest level like I was a car in a garage. Honestly, pure shame! OH was pissin himself!!!!

Oh God, sounds awful! The one good thing about having a low placenta is that they daren't do internal exams incase they rupture it and make things worse! Let your story be a lesson to us all about always having our lady garden's prepared as you never know what's gonna happen....Veet sales tomorrow are gonna go through the roof!! xxx
Hehe think I better get some veet this week!!!! Loving how you described yourself to be like a car in a garage ;) x x x x

Glad you are home and ok, Hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Go Go test the veet lol
glad you are home and ok. shame about your looker of a doctor getting to see you not being veet ed lol
LMAO Lex you do make me laugh!

Hope you are feeling better today hunny! xx
Thanks guys!

Feelin much better today. Still a little tender, almost like I got my AF but nothing that needs paracetamol. I've had quite a few tightenings this morning too with a lot less pains so not sure if the anti biotics are working already? Either way, I feel good! Xxx
Lexus, I've only just seen all this drama!!! Can you stop worrying us please? Behave yourself til baby is born now...

Seriously though, glad everything is ok with you and baba...even if that does mean you have a foof that could rival Brian Blessed's beard!!!

Lexus, I've only just seen all this drama!!! Can you stop worrying us please? Behave yourself til baby is born now...

Seriously though, glad everything is ok with you and baba...even if that does mean you have a foof that could rival Brian Blessed's beard!!!


You crack me up!!!

Thats the money shot!!! Lmao!


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Hahaha...I've got all sorts of images going on!!! Lets hope his mouth stays shut huh?! What a fine figure of a man...

Hahaha...I've got all sorts of images going on!!! Lets hope his mouth stays shut huh?! What a fine figure of a man...


Well he's in my dreams every night of the week! Oooooooooh Weeeeeeeee!
In your dreams as well as in your knickers huh? You lucky, lucky girl!!!

Yikes! As long as he isn't as loud as Mr Blessed you'll be fine...

Glad you are feeling better, but more to the point have you veeted yet? :lol:
Lexusno1...LooooL..You're defo a comedian, Glad to see you're doing alright I was so worried about you..make sure you look after yourself and little baby, plenty of rest... sure its glad to be back home cos I hate hospital its so nerve ranking..
We've gotta laugh haven't we!! Deffo taking it easy today Ayesha! xxx

No Veet action yet! Had a PJ day today so gonna brave it tonight when i have a shower with a test patch! I'll update this thread to let ya know how it goes.....don't worry, no pics though! Lol
Awwww I want pics :lol:

How you feeling now and did you veet????

PS Joking about the pic.........I'm not that perverted......honest :blush::rofl:

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