update from littlejen


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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sorry i havnt posted much but ive been poorly with the flu.. so heres a quick update b4 i go back to bed..

i went for a scan on thursday only to find out that they had cancelled it becoz i had an emergency scan the week b4 due to the big bleed i had.. steve and I caused an arguement at the hospital as we were told that the scan wud remain in place to check on sprout and the bleeding.. so after the arguement they manage to get me in the nxt morning to check on things..

Sprout is doing fine and is measuring 2 days ahead.. but the bad news is the hematoma has doubled in size again since last week...

there is nothing they can do about it they just keep telling me i will continue to bleed and may experience another big bleed if the hematoma breaks away..

so at the moment i have to constantly wear sanitry towels as i have slight bleeding on and off.. im scared to wear just a panty liner in case i have a big bleed.. so by wearing a sanitry towel when i go out at least if i have a big bleed im some what protected..

ive been told to continue to take it easy and do as little as possable..

i have an appointment with my consultant this thursday coming and im now being scanned every 2 weeks..

hope u are all doing ok ... and congrats to all the new arrivals...xxxx
aww :hug: i have no idea what a heamatoba is but it sounds pretty painful :( get some rest n hope it all sorts it self out :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's horrible that you had to have an argument about it-not exactly good for your stress levels.

:hug: :hug:
i've no idea either what it is but i hope it soon goes away for you.

a haematoma is a blood clot...

thinking of you honey - its amazing to see how much sprout has grown in just a few weeks. sorry you had to fight to get your scan though.

hope it goes ok on thursday :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope eveything goes ok on thursday... fingers crossed for you :hug:

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