if it's publicity on behalf of the clinic, it's a crap ad.
I mean, if you were in need of IVF, would you seriously think of going to a place that will willingly endanger a woman's life, plus those of her unborn children? I'd steer clear of it like the plague. I'd want to make sure my doctors were responsible and knew what they were doing - and this story makes me think the doctors involved were neither.
I would think that as more details emerge, no company is going to want to touch this woman with a bargepole. If you were, say, Pampers, would you want your name associated with a mentally disturbed woman with 6 other kids, living with her parents, etc etc? It's not their usual image, and could be a PR disaster. They'd be more likely to sponsor the heartrending case of the couple who'd tried for 10 years, blah blah blah. Apparently she's now saying that she won't give an interview for less than $2m - and the US networks are allegedly queueing up. But there are already hints that none of them will pay that much, especially since the tide of public opinion has turned.
I think it's pretty sad. If she did it for the money, she could well end up with 14 kids and poorer than before. Her dad has already had to come out of retirement and works as a contractor in Iraq (where he can earn extra money) to pay for the first six.