Up ALL night with Heartburn


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Oh, so i used to laugh secretly to myself when people told me about complaints of heartburn. I'd never had it, and couldnt understand the issue.

Well, i can honestly say, i'd rather have ANYTHING than this pain. I went to the cinema last night and came home with the worst pain which i thought was cuz i hadnt eaten a proper dinner. So i had a youghort before i went to bed (didnt lie down) but it didnt help (didnt lie down).
I lay up untill about 2am, no change.
Well now its 5am and im STILL awake and ready to cry with pain :( I just dont know what to do. Shops arnt open till 10 as its sunday, so WHAT DO I DO??????????????

Im sure your all asleep, but im feeling sorry for myself. i just want to :sleep:
one word GAVISCON, next time you seee GP oe M/W get some on prescription.

Tastes absolutly foul but wil really help.

MIlk can help if no over the counter stuff available IIRC

But yup, Gaviscon. I preferthe mint flavour over aniseed personally. If you need a small bottle to tide you over till you get some on prescription, grab some at the supermarket.
Awww :hug: :hug:

I've only had heartburn once (non-pregnancy related) and I thought I was dying! Hope that was a one time thing for you :D
Over the counter stuff will do for now but I suggest you get your butt to your doctor. I never had heartburn before being pregnant but I get hit with it badly multiple times a day, my doctor gave me Maalox and it is my lifesaver! I've had to put it in my bag with me to take about as my heartburn starts quickly with zero warning! People must think I have alcohol in the bottle as I am always swigging at it! :rotfl:
I have this problem aswell, it keeps me awake all night, only problem is for me now is the gaviscon as stopped working.
Sorry you had a sleepless night...cold milk out of the fridge, 2-3 sips does the trick for me...

it helps me both with nausea and heartburn
yup as the others have said, milk and gaviscon! I'd also say to get some of the fruit rennies (they are fine for pregnancy (it says so on the back)) i keep them in my handbag for emergencies!

I always have gaviscon after a meal in the hopes heartburn will stay away!

but be warned, it's really manky!
Huge sympathy, I had heartburn with my last pregnancy. Never had it before then or since. I'm dreading it re-occurring this time.

Gaviscon tablets if you don't like the liquid type, work a treat.

Also use extra pillows at night to elevate your head, that helps.
thanks ladies, i got some gaviscon, and OMG...its SO thick, ugh!
But it did help a little, i felt so ill yesterday, but a lot better now at the moment.

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