Unhappy baby ??????????????????


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi there Ladies,

Hope you are all well. I was just wondering if any of your babies are rather unhappy...Ashlea doesn't seem to be content with her little self at all. If I walk out of the room or aren't talking to her she screams and there's real tears....is this normal? I never had this with Haylea...she was quite happy and content even just laid on her mat she'd be ok but Ashlea just doesn't seem to be very happy...I asked the HV and she just said some babies do cry alot for no reason...but you always wonder don't you if there's something wrong with them or if you're just been a mega paranoid mum...The only time she seems happy is if I'm talking to her and she can see me... :?

Artist formerly known as excitedclaire...yep changed my name again... :lol:
Charlie is about the same age as your little one and in the last week he has been getting uptight when i leave the room and he cant see or hear me, before this week he was not bothered and i think its just something they all go through, if i am in another room and he starts i just shout through to him to let him know i am still around. I have started going out for a minute coming back in then an hour or so later out for 2 mins to try and make him realise i will come back.
i think its just a stage Alfie was like this for a couple of months now he seems much happier well he still has his days just go with it i know its not much consolation but theres nothing much you can do till it passes, if i was in the kitchen and he started id talk so he could hear me, i still cried but i carried on with what i was doing then comforted him, i found it was worse when i went straight to him as he started doing it when i put him down at all. sorry if im not much help i just hope that shes better soon hun, it may also be her teeth :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya Claire

Your Ashlea sounds just like my Isabella, although Isabella has been more happier/content in the last 4 weeks - yay. Ive always put it down to her ezcema itching her or hungriness but really I just think she was not happy???

If I do have another one I do hope he/she is a little more content
changed ur name again :rotfl:

Ashlea is just what Alastair is like i cant do nowt he always wants me ther with him, playing with him etc, i think it might just be there age hun, or September babies are naughty :rotfl:

Hope ur all ok hun miss ya :hug:
Rowan was exactly like this and the HV said the same to me then we discovered he had reflux and now its being treated he's a different child.
I actually feel really guilty now as I just assumed he was a miserable child and the poor dab was all along trying to tell me he was in pain. Wey to parent eh :?
I wouldnt worry about it jakob is the same they grow out of it :)
I have just poted a similar question in th new mummies section! She is so clingy right now :?
Sorry about the typos she is on my lap asleep so I daren't move :lol:
hey ladies,

I've discoverd the reason to Ashlea's unhappiness...she has cut two back teeth...no wonder she wasn't happy...I always thought they cut the front teeth first, poor little lamb. I got some boots homeopathic teething powder and can still give calpol with it and use bonjella, it helps for about an hour and the rest of the time she's grouchy.....I wasn't expecting this for at least another few months.....our poor little babies go through so much in their first year its awful....well at least I'm hoping I've discovered the problem, time will tell...

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