HELP...she won't stop crying....


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hey ladies,
Hope you are all well and had a great christmas and an even better new year.
Ashlea is now 13 weeks old, for the past 4 days she has been really grouchy and crying loads. I took her to the HV today and the doctor and they said there's nothing wrong with her but i'm not convinced. The HV sais its probably teeth coming into her gums but nothing I do seems to help and its real tears not just complaining.... :( I hate her been so upset and in such a little state with herself. The HV said she's not worried as Ashlea is gaining weight and growing really well. The doctor well he was a bag of useless and said some babies are miserable. Ashlea is never normally so grouchy, infact she's never grouchy. Normally she sleeps all night but she's waking up crying and having really unsettled nights....any advice is welcome please ladies.
Defineately sounds like her teeth hun and i know its no consolation but theres nothing really that you can do i know its hard and its hearbreaking but cuddles help alot. Try rubbing something cool on her little gums, bless hope your ok hun :hug: :hug:
hope is the same at the mo, really grumpy unlike usual, i asked my dad and he said she isnt teething but she was chewingon my thumb so hard i yelped?? :think:
your lil one is only 1 day older than madi!!!!

madi has unhappy days but then other days shes like a different madi
Sounds like pegs to me too! Oscar gets really unwell when his pegs come through. Very VERY miserable.

Keep and close eye and if you're not convinced that that is what it is, take her to A&E after hours and let them check her out! That's usually your best bet .... some gp's are just plain useless!

Good luck - hope she settles soon!
Emilia xx
I would say teeth aswell hunny :hug:

Sorry to hear Ashlea isnt herself :cry:

Is she hungry hun?? have u tried abit of food with her yet??

Speak soon hun xxxxx
Try some Ashton and Parson teething powders. I get mine from Boots. I think they do help. You give half a packet twice a day. I do notice that from about 4:30 - 5 she suffers more as I guess they have worn off by then. (I give them to her ~7:30)
Thanks for all your advice ladies...i've discovered the problem....she's constipated...i did query this with the doctor and looked at me like i was stupid and said babies don't get constipated and its normal for them not to go for a few days... :wall: :wall: but my poor little lamb was crying most of the night, when she did try to poo this morning it was the smallest rabbit tod i have ever seen....sorry for tmi :oops: . Anyway I did what you suggested cherie and put a little sugar in her water and she hasn't pooed yet but she's gone to sleep much more settled.
On the powder front tho Nicky last night my friend gave me some Boots alternatives teething powder stuff that you can give them every 2 hours, she seemed to quiten down for a little while....maybe it could be a combination of the two because she keeps knawing on anything that goes near her mouth...its horrible when they can't tell you what's wrong isn't it...its all just a guessing game....thank you so much ladies for your advice...xxxx
omg that doctor is a prat glad she is a bit happier now hun :hug:
babiers dont get constipate?what a dick head....sometimes teething can cause diorreah or constipation hun holpe she gets better my sister swears by theashton and parsons powder xx
I'm glad you found out what's wrong, I am so fed up of doctors and HVs telling you there is nothing wrong with your baby as long as they are putting on weight :wall: Why can't they trust that us mums know our babies better than anyone and know if there is a problem, it makes me so mad :evil:
Hey ladies well i thought she was better but we've had an afternoon of screaming, anyway i've just got back from the drop in health clinic cos i started to worry it was something you do, the doctor there was lovely and he said she is definately constipated and as Ashlea is on SMA for hungrier babies it can tend to make them constipated so to give her SMA gold cap through the day and the SMA white cap after 6pm and give her plenty of warm water, so am going to start with it in the morning and see if that helps. He said if she's no better by Friday to take her fingers crossed.......
I know what you mean skatty about them thinking we don't know our makes me so angry...i think we know when our babies aren't themselves....thanks ladies, you've all been a great help.
Love to you all

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