Underweight trying to conceive


Feb 19, 2009
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Hi all,

I have been trying to conceive for 2 years and have had lots of tests to see why I haven't yet. All tests came back clear on Tuesday except that I am not ovulating at all.
There's no reason for this but it has been suggested that putting weight on could help. I have always been underweight and unhappy at being so, and when I was told 7 months ago that this could be a fertility problem, I took it as a licence to eat everything!! (My husband also did much to the detriment of his waistline!!)
However, when I went to the hospital on Tuesday, I weigh even less than before.
Does anyone know a safe way of putting weight on when trying to conceive?
I've now got Clomid but also want to help in any other way I can.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!
i'm quite similar hun- although i'm still hoping my periods are extremely irregular due to coming off the pill rather than due to being underweight for some years(i've put on 1/2 stone now and classified as normal!!). originally i just ate anything- cakes etc which has made me put on weight but my periods are even more crazy- so i think all the excess sugar would deffinately be a bad idea! i would recommend porridge, nuts, dried fruit, avocado, salmon - basically good fattening foods rather than sugary foods. let me know how u get on with the clomid as i think i may be going down that path soon!! also make sure u are taking a multi vitamin that contains folic acid(but not vit a) to get urself in tip top shape!
good luck :hug:
Hiya, have you ever had your thyroid tested? Is there any chance you could have an over-active thyroid?

As far as putting weight on maybe you should seek advice from a nutritionist? I saw a good one before I got PG with Layla as I had fertility issues as it was suggested to me that a different type of food would help/changing my diet etc. Try eating foods that are rich in natural fats rather than actual sugar etc. Try eating more butter, drinking whole milk, things like coconut is good (I ate it after Layla was born as I lost a lot of weight too quickly), advocados etc. Try things like sour cream on potatoes etc.
My Dr's advice was - Eat Mcdonalds and sit on my arse!!

Just so you know my BMI is 14! So VERY underweight... nothing they could suggest except that...

I concieved and carried full term then gave birth to a beautiful baby boy weighing 7.8lb. So it can be done whatever your weight... just need to get them eggs comming out, pesky things.

As for weight gain suggestions... if you find anything that works, let me know - iv tried everything I can think of.
Thanks loads everyone!
Yes, I take Sanatogen Pronatal for my vitamins and folic acid. Have been taking it nearly a year now.
Have also had advice from a midwife who suggested I take complan for extra nutrition so will give that a go too.

As for Macdonalds, I do like to indulge every now and then actually and my partner likes to help too!

I am vegetarian (pescatarian) but eat loads of fish and veg and lots of soya and quorn products. Have been so hungry the last few days too so I guess that should help to pile on some pounds if anything will!

Thanks for your advice xx
I got out of treatment for an eating disorder last year and before recovery I was VERY underweight, but everything seems to have kick started again, thank heavens!

The best advice I can offer is try and plan out your diet. Boost your daily calorie intake to around 2500-3000. It would be good to just get your thyroid checked out too. Some people are just naturally skinny though... my manager at work weighed around 7stone when she got pregnant and didn't end up much more than 8!

All the best hon! :hug:

Thank you!

Yes I forgot to mention that I had had my thyroids checked several times now. Just always been a very skinny girl unfortunately.

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