under,over or on bump ?

Under the bump jeans from next £30 or something. So comfy and fit me before i had bump. They make me look more pregnant than I actually am because they let it all hang out, rather than the bargain next over the bumps I got on ebay that tend to hold it in and fall down.
I second primark knickers, but unfortunatley have yet to find a good quality bra from there that actually fits me!
I also bought some of those primark woolly jumoers yesterday for £4, at that price I can just go back and get bigger size if they wont fit over my bump!
Yeah i just bought all my winter jumpers n tops there its great! I had trouble finding bras to fit me there at first too but now im a size bigger they all seem to fit so well..its odd lol!
Me too, i might have to take a trip with my plastic friend 2mo to primark :think: :shhh:
Jayceesmumma said:
Bexie said:
maybebaby said:
My comfiest purchase so far has to be my mothercare dungarees! Sooo not a good look but oh my god how comfy! Especially going commando... (knickers are getting a bit tight and I WILL not wear maternity ones!) I haven't worn them out of the house yet but I'm sure I will once I've got a more obvious bump.

My mate brought me some really nice stretchy kinckers from La Senza, they are so so comfy and actually look alright too, they're a bit like hipster shorts. I would definetly recommend them rather than having to resort to big (unsexy) knickers. I'm going to Milton Keynes next week and I'm going to make sure that I pop into La Senza to stock up on them. They're great and ideal for pregnancy as they sit below the bump.
I find lasenza underwear lovely but expensive! I LOVE Primark undies!!! Especially the french knickers like the hipster shorts things too, and they are only £1-£2.50!! I love them they are so comfy and i refuse to buymy underwear anywhere else! The bras are tops too! £4 a go aint bad going! They are top quality too and last for aaaaaaaaaaaaages unlike alot of cheaper clothes!

These knickers my friend brought me weren't that expensive 5 pairs for £12. Works out to be £2.40 a pair, a little bit more than primark, but still a bargain.

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