unable to get comfy


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Oran is still not sleeping through the night, however I dont always think its down to hunger that he is waking but Im not sure

He goes down between 8-8.30 and sleeps solidly till we go to bed about 11, at this point he can wake anything from 0-20 times till about 3am, I have to get up sometimes popping his dummy in and turning him back on his side gets him back off, other times I have to get him out and rock him for a few minutes to get him back off - he seems to be getting worse to be honest. Every night is different though, like last night slept till 1.30, then woke 7times till 3.10 where I gave up and gave him 5oz of milk (always make 7 and he always drinks 5 bang on) then he slept till 6,45 when I brought him in to bed and he slept on my chest till 7.25 then we got up. The night before he slept till 3am, popped dummy in and turned him over twice and he went till 6am where he wanted milk then slept till 8am, the night before he woke midnight, 12.30, then 1.30, 2, 2.30 etc till again he had milk at 3.30, then slept till 5.30 where I gave up and he came in to bed.

I dont know weather is hunger (I dont think it can be really ill tell you what he eats in a minute) or uncomfyness because its a travel cot he sleeps in. It does have a matterss in it but perhaps he still isnot happy cause he is so low down and not comfy. He never gets himself off to sleep - I have to rock him to nearly sleep before we put him down on a night or he just wakes and screams and if you left him for 2 hours he would scream for 2 hours, he doesnt just cry for 10 minutes then go off, would you suggest controlled crying to get himself off to sleep, then if he does this when he goes to bed do you think he will do this when he wakes in the night as well or still fidget and talk for me to get up and get him back to sleep - (I do believe a reason he wakes in the night is cause of us snoring, tossing and turning and my OH talking in his sleep cause oran is a very light sleeper).

He eats the following (approx times all based on when he gets up, but on average he gets up at 8am)

8.30am - 1 jar baby food (porridge or fruit one)
9.30am - 3-4oz milk then nap
12pm - 1 Jar baby food (veg or sunday dinner etc)
1 to 1.30pm 3-4oz milk then nap
5pm - 1 jar baby food (fruit one)
6pm - 4 - 5 oz milk then quick nap
8pm - 5-7oz milk then bed

so he is on alot of food but still waking so this is why I dont think hunger, but then again he is still taking 5oz bang on no problems wolfing it down every night between 3am and 5am without fail - even though he is on food he has never dropped this feed.

naughty boy mummy needs her sleep :shakehead:
aw JW don't really know what to suggest! I think the chances are it is because he can hear you and B when you come to bed and through the night, but I know you have a 1 bed so don't really know the answer, just wanted to send you a hug :hug:

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