

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Ok I know having a new baby brings a lot of new attention- people stopping and admiring your baby in the street shop or wherever.

But when does it go a bit too far? Perhaps i am over analysing the situation. You tell me...

In the doctors Waiting to go in. A very glamorous lady mid to late thirties sat opposite me dark blacked out channel glasses on waiting to see the doctor.

She starts talking to me about baby , asking about her name, age usual questions.

She then proceeded to tell me about her personal life , the fact that she had several children.... In heaven!!!!!

Ok. Feeling slightly uncomfortable. I felt sorry for her she was clearly upset and here I was sat opposite her with my bundle of joy. Never sure what to say /do in uncomfortable situations . Usual reaction is. Flight. She asked to her hold her, I said I'm gonna go to the toilet and she was like I'll hold her why u go....??????

Not being funny, I wouldn't leave my baby with no stranger!!!! Kinda freaked out she was very persistent.

Am i over reacting ? I'm kind
Of upset and freaked out a bit :'(

OH in the car, was fuming wanted to go and say something. Ovipusly stopped him. Sorry girls just wanted to share as feeling but anxious all day about it.


Apologies for any typos!
no way would i leave my baby with anyone i didnt know u were right.. id maybe let her hold the baby if i was next to her..but no,you were right..x
I would have reacted like you did, its obviously sad she is in that situation but I wont hand my baby over to anyone I dont know. Dont feel bad you did what any mum would do in my opinion

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I wouldn't have left Kynon with a stranger either. Poor lady though, can't imagine the emotional pain she must in through every day seeing babies, guess she just though she was helping out. Id just forget about it now no harm was done, she was probably just not thinking about it from your point of view x
I had the women in the pharmacists suggesting I left Sophie there while I nipped back into the doctors next door. I just couldn't do it and they seemed a bit disgruntled by it.
Yes young mummy! I have let a lady who runs a cafe in our village hold her, I didn't really mind as I was there.

Your right Sarah trying to put it to one side , I'm just very anxious that someone might try to snatch her. Need to deal with that in my own time. I think that relates to personal childhood traumas.

She's safe now all tucked up in bed. Hunnie your so right not to leave her. I would never have left her.

I tell you what, if you wasnt bold before having a baby sure makes it easy to say NO to people x

Apologies for any typos!
No way would I of left my boy with someone I didn't know let alone hold him. I know it's harsh but I wouldn't ask to hold some random persons baby so why would I hand my baby to someone random? You did right. It's sad her situation. I feel for her though.xx
I get annoyed when strangers feel the need to put their hands in his car seat and stroke his face.x
I actually think of it from LOs thoughts, would they really want to be held by someone strange??

MIL took sophie for me the other day and she said that her daughters FIL pushed the pram up the last part of the farm lane for MIL as it's steep and she had copd. Sophie woke up just at the wrong time and was crying apparently because she didn't recognise the man pushing the pram. I felt so bad for her and worried for if she was scared. I think I'm probably being overprotective lol
So I take it you never left her with your LO? soz if i missed that bit

I def wouldn't leave LO with a stranger & that woman should have known that she was making you feel uncomfortable, its blatantly obvious you have a new(ish) baby & she's talking about dead babies. Bit wrong on her part tbh.

When I went for scan with Kayden, they wouldn't let me take my LO in with me to the scan, had to leave her in the waiting room & as if that wasn't bad enough, i had some freak of a junkie saying...its ok hen i'll watch her for you but she kept saying it over & over. OMG it was horrible I'm sure her heart in the right place but no need to make other ppl feel uncomfortable

Def wouldnt have left LO with a complete stranger, although i think id have let her have a cuddle if i was there. But then Georgia is really happy to go with absolutely anyone (so long as shes not having a bad day) - she made her way around a table of little old ladies i had no idea who they were at church the other week - but i was standing right there. xxx
I agree I think I would have let her have a hold if I was there but no way would I left my baby with a complete stranger. What happened in the end? Did you just say no xx
i dont even like strangers touching Alyssa. i wouldnt let one hold her and tbh id be a lot weirded out if they asked. baby.....just no way lol
I had someone offer to do this at water babies today when I needed the loo (he came in with me, wouldn't do it either). I think most peoples heart is in the right place when they offer tbh but they just don't think. Who is going to leave their baby with a stranger.


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OMFG there's no way I would leave my baby with a stranger!!!! I would advise you to let your GP's surgery know what happened hunny, she could be a complete mental case! Unfortunately there are mothers out there that would hand their babies over.

Glad you are both ok :hug: xxxxxxxxx
I wouldn't let someone I don't know to hold my baby, let alone to leave him with her!

Though I'm sure she didn't mean any harm. Just really wanted to hold a baby I guess. But still - sorry, but no!
No worries hun, Little miss I didn't leave her. There was no way in hell I would leave my baby with a stranger.

Rachel I just said its ok thanks I need to change her nappy too. I didn't want to offend her because to be quite honest she didn't seem 100% mentally - the way she only met me and just told me her entire life story, and the reason why she was there was to try and get some help obviously with conceiving / maintaining pregnancy.

I felt sorry for her and everything, but there is no way I would of left her at all. I just wanted to confirming I wasn't over reacting being totally overprotecting because my reaction has given me a shed load of anxiety. She could have run of with her or anything. Desperately longing for a baby can send you mad , I was only trying to conceive for a month and luckily fell pregnant straight away. I couldnt imagine what it would have done to me if I had multiple miscarriages or couldn't conceive . I was going bloody crazy the first cycle - the pressure I put on myself.

I totally did the right thing. I'm not sure what to say to surgery? I don't want her to get in trouble again. She was very persistent thats what was crazy and scared me xxx

Apologies for any typos!
I let people have a hold while im there because Alice is really happy with anyone and i want her to go to nursery and school and hope this way she won't be too bad when i try leave her with the 'strange' teacher ifykwim, I wouldnt have left my baby alone with her though! I have left my baby with the lady at sure start while i ran out to get my pram from the shelter because it was chucking it down and didnt want Alice getting wet, but it was one of the main ladies the one who came to my house so not bad i dont think, infact i have done it twice because they always ask if you need help. The second time again it was a sure start staff who i had met a coule of times, but if they are trusted to work in a nursery then surly there ok to watch LO for two seconds.... god feel like a crap mum now! But no way i would do that outside with someone you dont know at all - no idea if what she is telling you is even true. Some women have stolen babies from hospitals so i think it can happen!! xx
Red bear please don't say your a crap mum!!! I have left my baby with sure start lady to do exactly the same thing!!!

I think the context is completely different, given the circumstances,
Mental health and setting I think it is very unreasonable to have left her.

A person who works in a sure start centre (crb checked) to move your buggy is completely different!!

My LO will attend nursery early on to be socialized even though I'm not going back to work yet. I completely agree with what your saying!

Thanks for the replies girls


Apologies for any typos!
I get annoyed when strangers feel the need to put their hands in his car seat and stroke his face.x

God I hate this too, strangers always feel the need to touch his hands, which I hate as he then puts his hands in his mouth.

I was once in Aldi with C and at the checkout I realised one of the peppers I had picked up was starting to go mouldy so said I wanted to replace it. She said not a problem to go and get it at the end. I carried on packing all my stuff up and then asked if someone could go and get it for me as C was in the trolley and couldn't take it round as meant going out the shop and in the entrance again iykwim. This lady also packing her shopping said she would watch him but there was no way I was leaving him with a complete stranger. I know she probably meant well but I wasn't going to take the risk!!

I persisted with the checkout girl who got another member of staff to get me a new pepper (but I don't think they were too happy about doing it for me) but tough!

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