Umm help!!'* am i !?*


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Right my period finished around 13th/14th of December.

Me and OH have been using protection most of the time :oops: but hes not acutaly spurt inside :lol:

Well I have been feeling funny for a few weeks, had weird dreams and just dont feel myself.

I have loads of Ov tests left and thought hey what the heck I will do one, and it says its positive?

But would I be ovulating around this time?

I thought it was around 14 days ish? but im due on around the 10th, so can I be ovulating now?

Im confussed :doh:
Do u have tumnmy pains?? like as if ur ovarys are throbbing...

No but I have lower backache, feel like I am going to come on and it goes away, mainly in the evening.

TMI :oops: I need #2 every night couple of times, very thristy in the night too.

:rotfl: im going mad
Hi tasha

That seems a bit long to not have a period for :shock: are you cycles normally a bit haywire?
Im thinking the same thing as Sharne Tasha, I know breastfeeding is sometimes used as a contraceptive but doesnt always work from what ive gathered and ive also heard that okps can come up positive if your pregnant.

I thinks you should do a pregnancy test honey :hug:

Can Ov tests pick up hcg?

Well im still breastfeeding, but my cycles went back to 28/9.

Oh crap :lol:
:( Im too scared to do a preg test

Oh dear wasn't planning to go ahead yet, lol I wanted at least another year to give me foo foo a break :lol:
I know a lot of ladies on here have sworn their okps have detected their pregnancies :lol: but dont worry too much and buy a digi test to be dead sure :D
:shock: eeek

Well im going to wait until the 10th and if ive not come on, ill do one :?
Aww Tasha, these things happen, at least you can get it out of the way as such - and even a three year gap wont save your mini! :rotfl:
Yeah also we relied on the pulling out method and thats i first got preggy the first time...

Withdrawel has always been fine for me - you need disapline! :D
:rotfl: my poor mini moo!

I know really stupid pulling out :roll: but its one of them it wont happen to me :eek:

We will see, let you know after the 10th ladies :hug:

Thanks for the help :hug:
It does dound very pregnant like that Tasha :D
Very best wishes, even if its earlier than planned, being such a great Mummy, it'll be just fine, maybe not in 9months on the foo foo but still :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww Tasha youl be grand, so goodluck whatever the outcome - look at redshoes - shes crazy and having another after 7 months :rotfl: only kidding amy! :hug:
:hug: Awww thank you both very much.

Well I haven't done one yet, will wait until next week when I thought I was due, so we will see.

Thanks a lot and I will let you ladies know wether witch arrives or not.

Aaawwww mrs_tommo22, you just know me so well :rotfl:

Very best wishes Tasha :hug: :hug: :hug:

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