uggg feeling uncomfy today


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Think baby has moved down iv had horrible uncomfy pressure low down and back pain

Is it too early for her to be getting into position or can i try get her to move back up?

No that i was happy when she was all up in my tummy but this feeling is way worse :-( sitting at my desk is horrible i just wanna lie down
I hear you Im VERY whingey today, i havent had a good nights sleep due to unbearable pains in my hips tonight i swear im gonna try sitting up to sleep and sat at my desk hurts due to having to lean forward and lots of pressure pains and i have to steady myself when i get up to walk around, its great! NOT!!!!

I could have written this myself.

Been up since 4:44 (creepy...) and I have that horrible stitch pain in my back again.
at least im not alone lol

its just such a horrible feeling and now and again sharp pain

iv not been sleeping either with hips and hand pain, i find on my back with pillow under the hip thats sore at the time helps a bit but nothing seems to get rid of it, even the day i get my physio its so much better but in bed still the same
ooh welcome to the club, ive been moaning about this for a week now lol. baby went into position before xmas but has gone into my pelvis since and it does make it really uncomfy to move, plus being so full and having feet in your ribs makes it hard to sit upright for long periods of time. i keep leaning back at daft angles trying to find room for her to fit into lol. yesterday evening she had her foot in my rib and i was trying to push it down so she kicked my hand! cheeky little mare. calf muscles keep cramping at night so i feel your pain hun, still not too long to go now hey :)
yeah ribs not been as bad since she moved still get d odd poke up there but she has them pointing inestfd i yhink lol

Oh the leg cramps are awful arent they, iv started getting OH to message my calfs before bed and it helps a little,

also decided to have a bath for the first time during pregnancy ( i do shower im not a dirty bitch lol ) and was so funny cos my whole belly was above the level of water and that was with the bath full to the overflow pipe doh thats not gonna be much help for labour pains
lol i was thinking that depending where the labour pains are using the shower head might help more as you can direct the water where it helps most. im tossing and turning lots at night which is hilarious as its such a mission to just turn over now, i feel like a stranded turtle on its back! i found the cervix pressure pains annoying but im getting used to them now, they only hurt a lil really and its just when i stand up or start walking round.
do you get random sharp pains just above your pubic bone different to the early pregnancy ones im gettin a strange pain on and off with the pressure but not in my cervix or at least i dont think it is lol

not sure how do discribe it its kind of sharp but in a different way to the other ones iv had only last few seconds at a time, think it too low to be BH though
i get a slight stabby pain in my cervix / front of foof when i walk. i think its babys head pressing on it harder when i move due to motion or gravity lol
hmmm sounds fun lol

Well think i may have had my first proper noticable case of BH last night

Had horrible tight muscle pain all up the sides and accross top of bump during the night, think it seemes like it but not too sure, feckin shattered today as a result :-(

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