Twin question


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Has anyone ever exclusively BF twins or other multiple birth babies? If so, how long for?
Only ever seen discussions about 1 baby but what happens when you have more than one? I can figure out the theory but wondered if anyone had any experience or knew anyone who had.

I'm not pregnant with twins btw!!!
One of my colleagues at work did! Her twins are now in their teens. She talked about how she would eat cream cake after cream cake and yet she still lost weight. She said she then consumed the same when breastfeeding her daughter a few years later forgetting she only had one this time and then piled on the pounds :lol:

Not sure how long she did it for but it certainly is possible.
Its more common than thought.

I know someone who bf her twins and i've asked her what it was like, coz like urself i was curious. She said that the first few weeks were hard but after that it was fine. She would sometimes have them on at the same time but as they got a bit bigger they would feed when they wanted to so it differed. The one fed for 6 months and the other for 9 months.

i think the body is fab coz it knows how much milk is needed. When the body is asked for it, it produces it.
I have also wondered about this. My mum didn't try to bf my sister and I as we were born at 29 weeks gestation so were in SCBU for the first 2months (in my case) and 4 months (in my sister's case). My mum also had 3 other children to care for so didn't have time to express and it wasn't really done back then as it is today.

My sister was planning to bf her twins but decided not to -I think she said that her milk didn't come in(?) she had bf her first to 5 months so was pro bfeeding.

Knowing the time and effort it takes to feed one baby, I would seriously consider whether breastfeeding was the right option for me if I had twins with my next pregnancy. I would love to think that I would but I am also aware of how close to cracking I came in those early weeks after having Kathryn. I guess it would be down to a multitude of factors whether breastfeeding twins was viable, gestation, health of babies and mother being the primary ones that I can think of.

It would be fascinating to hear from a woman who had bf twins or more.
i work with someone whose best friend has 11 month old triplets and she is still BF'ing
There is a mum at my mother & baby group that has 1 year old twins who are still breast fed.

Im a twin and my mum fed my sister and i for about 3 months.

If i had twins i would it give it a good go i bet its hard work though.
Sarah&Braydon said:
i work with someone whose best friend has 11 month old triplets and she is still BF'ing

Thanks for your replies. Sounds like hard work - imagine that with triplets!!! Was really interesting to hear about your experiences or the people you know.
Thanks :hug:
I met a mum who was breastfeeding her twins and her 2 year old was still feeding too. And she carried them in slings - I take my hat off to her.

I wouldn'tmind the feeding of twins, its the two sets of bums to change that would get to me.
beanie said:
I met a mum who was breastfeeding her twins and her 2 year old was still feeding too. And she carried them in slings - I take my hat off to her.

I wouldn'tmind the feeding of twins, its the two sets of bums to change that would get to me.

It wouldn't be the changing of the nappies so much with me- just the washing! I still have days where I suddenly realise I'm using the last nappy and the others are all either wet or dirty! I MUST GET MORE ORGANISED!

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