Turning babies?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Has anyone had their baby turned? What are the risks/success rate?

I saw my MW today who confirmed my little madam is breech and she said that if she's still breech at 36 weeks she'd refer me for a scan and that they'd probably want to try turning her.
dont stress too much hun there IS plenty time to turn- i kno u wont think so right now coz iv been there myself- my first baby didnt turn from breech until nearly 36 weeks! (and i think 2nd and subsequent babies are more likely to turn as they less tightly squeezed in or something!)

i spent 3 weeks (i found out she was breech at 33 weeks) sitting on the edge of my seat with knees below waist level (slouching and lying back encourage breech) and lying on my left side, and even accupressure (think it was either pinching the skin in between my thumb and index fingers, or my little toes can remember now) and i'd pretty much given up hope and psyched myself up for a c-section when suddenly the little bugger turned! so it paid off :cheer:

i didnt fancy the ECV either freaked me out a bit. someone on here had ecv and it didnt work she had a section- was it zebrastripes? :think: not sure.

good luck, hope LO turns for you :pray:
Lucie's (HideiLu) baby turned at 34 weeks! :cheer: Another (I think it may have been Bubalu or MissSara, well, the baby turned at 36 weeks even! So it is possible hun. Although, I have no idea how they turn them?! :think: x
Yes my LO just turned at 36 weeks. I've now had a scan that confirms it. I hope that your LO turns soon too! :hug: :hug:
As Dannii said, my little man decided to show off when he done his turn :talkhand: :roll: ;


Just hoping he's still that way at next MW appointment on 28th. :pray:

I did see a diagram somewhere of how they turn them, by pressing and manipulating your tum to twist them. Not sure how effective it is but can't imagine it being very comfortable.
My lil man is also breech ( well so i was told last week) i have a scan tomorrow morning to see if he is BUT i have a very strong feeling that he has managed to turn himself round already. I am now getting kicked in the ribs and he seems to have dropped down.
Well i'll let you know tomorrow because if he is still breech they are going to try and move him round for me.
MissSara said:
My lil man is also breech ( well so i was told last week) i have a scan tomorrow morning to see if he is BUT i have a very strong feeling that he has managed to turn himself round already. I am now getting kicked in the ribs and he seems to have dropped down.
Well i'll let you know tomorrow because if he is still breech they are going to try and move him round for me.

good luck!
Ive heard thats its only 50% chance of the baby actually staying in the position that they moved the baby to - Ive heard stories that this really hurts and have decided that if my baby is breech no-one is trying to turn him ill ask for a c-sec! Even though i hate the though of having one! In my opinion the baby is led in that postiion for a reason - maybe he couldnt turn because theres something ristricting him/her? Thats my opinion anyway . .
My baby is head down at the moment but hes a lil wriggler im hoping he stays put so i can have the water birth i have planned! :)
Not sure what the success rate is of the procedure to try and get baby to move. They won't do it before 37 weeks, there is a risk you will go in to early labour.

Many babies turn by the time you get to 36 weeks anyway, it's only a tiny percentage something like 3% that are still breech at 36 weeks.

A friend of mine had the procedure done, they said it's not very comfortable at all but she was of the opinion anything was worth a try to avoid a c-section. Unfortunately it didn't work for her.

My baby is breech to, :pray: he/she turns by 36 weeks.

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