Tummy time question


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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When I put O on his tummy he just lies there lol but when I lie him on my chest he lifts his head up loads! Is it the same thing?

This is the max Tyler has done on his mat on me it's well up there!



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Dylan has managed to lift his head and turn it to the other side once during tummy time he really has to be in the mood for it! If he's not then he won't try at all, if he is he will lift his head quite often. If he's laying on our chests he always lifts his head.
Vince hates tummy time and his head is constantly up - he looks furious LOL!
Sophie mostly has kind of tummy time, it's where she's happiest! During the day I put her down on her front with her knees under her like foetal position and she will lift and turn her head while she's asleep. I wouldn't be so willing to put her down like I do unless I knew she wasn't going to get stuck and end up flat on her face.
When do you start to introduce tummy time?x
My HV visited when he was 2 weeks and said because his head was going up when on my chest to start. I did it every few days at first but I do it everyday now!

How long for? Joshua can really lift his head and hold it up while he is on my chest. So I could prob start?x
Varies how happy he is. I lay down next to him and get my face at his level and talk to him sometimes too.

Elyssa always lifted her head more when on my chest compared to tummy time. Tummy time has become roll over time for her at moment. We do it a few time a day for 5 minutes or longer if she doesn't cry.
Phoebe seems to like it but only for a few minutes, she can lift her head quite high and loves to kick her legs about :) x
Poppy used to do this, but she hated tummy time, and still does! I think she'll even go straight to walking and skip crawling, she just gets the hump when her I lay her on her front, but loves her door bouncer and loves being stood up (and can bear her weight whilst holding on to the sofa) :) x
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