Tummy sleeping


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Does anyone put their babies to nap on their tummies? I don't at night bit during the day sometimes Arthur will only settle on his tummy. In in such a dilemma!
My nephew would only sleep on his tummy from a few days old, my sister literally didn't sleep, have you tried swaddling LO xx
Once Lilly broke out of the swaddle at about a month old, its been tummy down all the way :D she hated being in her back, still does really :D if you feel iffy about it, get a movement monitor, we used the angel sounds one and had constant peace of mind :)

Sometimes when I check on Sophia she's gone onto her tummy in her sleep, doesn't seem to bother her!
we put Owen on his tum from about 7 weeks, I asked a lot of advise on here and a fair few mummies were doing it or had done it. It helped very much to know others were doing it too! Owen couldn't settle any other way. We had the angelcare sensor mat, that helped me have peace of mind. He loved it on his tum :)
Yep! From 3 weeks we found Campbell would only settle on his tummy and has done ever since. He mostly sleeps on his side he is more mobile now xx
Wow this makes me feel sO much better! Arthur is starting to burst out of his swaddles, (even though he then cries until he's swaddled again!) so I will Feel a lot better about putting him on his tummy for naps without feeling like I have to watch over him! What is the reasoning behind no tummy sleeping? I asked my godmother, who is a midwife, about
Tummy sleeping thinking shed say to
Me, "oh yes, it's fine," like a lot of things (eg keeping baby in room for 6months!) but she said she couldnt in all confidence say to me it was ok. But knowing my baby isn't the only one makes me feel a lot better. Thankyou xx
I'm feeling a bit down and tired and beside myself at the
Moment. Arthur now will
Not sleep at all unless he's on his tummy. I know you have all said you are doing it buy icant stop worrying. Having one of those low, emotional days :( xx
oh yes, I remember those. Went to the hv when he was about 3 months and came out in floods. all cos of the tummy sleeping. do you have a sensor mat hon? Can't remember what you said? It gives amazing peace of mind.

Big hugs, hope you feeling better today xxxxx
yes I've got a sensor mat. It went off at 1am last night giving us a huge fright but baby was ok. It does give peace of mind, but I guess worrying is all part of being a parent. (and I'm a worrier anyway.) what did the heath visitor say, Michin? x
well I dunno why I ever told the HV, they said - and don't let this worry you! that if I could do anything for him it was to put him on his back, and when he starts rolling, go in there and flip him back!! all night long?!!over and over!? yes, she said that. she was horrid, came on here and did a thread and listened to these ladies. Our sensor used to go off sometimes too- when he was at the top of the cot and stuff. scared the absolute shit out of me! I am also a bit of a worrier-I think it's normal mummy territory!!
i just started a thread about this asking the same thing, Charlie likes being on his tummy to sleep and he is 5 weeks old, but i dont dare put him on his tummy to sleep at night... but after alot of people say that they have done it etc, it makes it feel like its quite fine to do! maybe i will brave it and try it one night and see how it goes x
I swaddled - very tightly so she could not wriggle out and put Georgie on her tummy until about 6 weeks old - after that she went on her right side, now she starts off on her right side and ends up on her tummy. x
Thing is everyone I know in my generation was put to sleep on their fronts.... that was the advice of the time and we're all still here :)

I swaddled - very tightly so she could not wriggle out and put Georgie on her tummy until about 6 weeks

I meant back not tummy!!

As shadowolf said - our generation slept on our tummys and that was without movement sensors. We were not allowed to sleep on our backs!

It's what you are comfortable with x
well I dunno why I ever told the HV, they said - and don't let this worry you! that if I could do anything for him it was to put him on his back, and when he starts rolling, go in there and flip him back!! all night long?!!over and over!? yes, she said that. she was horrid, came on here and did a thread and listened to these ladies. Our sensor used to go off sometimes too- when he was at the top of the cot and stuff. scared the absolute shit out of me! I am also a bit of a worrier-I think it's normal mummy territory!!

I can't believe that! Since Matthew has started rolling he has slept on his tummy! He is too mobile for the sensor mat now! But I think what te hv's are worried about is if the baby cannot lift it's head clear of the floor and move it, it may cause problems! But as it has been said I'm sure the
majority of is slept on out tummies, I know I did, and we are fine!

Both of my boys are belly sleepers, alex has been on his belly since a few days old. It is worrying at first but as long as they can lift their head from side to side i think its ok. He refuses to sleep on his back to its belly or nothing.

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