Today, 13:13 PM Report Post #1
Hello everyone, hoping someone may be able to relate to my situation or give me some advice. So I'm ttc, i had removed the nexplanon implant removed on the 18th May started period on 18th June so just over exactly 4 weeks after being off contraception. My question is i bled for 5-6 days i believe it was a proper period and not a withdrawal bleed which I've been told some women do experience before having a proper period but i believe mine was a proper period and I'm mainly curious because i was told you will not ovulate as normal after contraception removal until you have a proper period so i believe i have had one and have ttc since finishing period on supposed ovulation days which was 2 weeks ago tomorrow apart from being tired i have no other obvious pregnancy signs. Is tomorrow too early to test could i actually be pregnant i also ttc last Sunday and yesterday obviously it will be too early to pick up on those two days and also they were not ovulation days so do you think i should test for the one 2 weeks ago becauae that was my ovulation day or give it 2 more weeks before testing? If my cycle has gone back to 28 days i should be due on tomorrow or some point during next week. Sorry for the long essay guys but i just don't want to test too early and be disappointed by a negative result. Any advice will be greatly appreciated thank you in advance
Hello everyone, hoping someone may be able to relate to my situation or give me some advice. So I'm ttc, i had removed the nexplanon implant removed on the 18th May started period on 18th June so just over exactly 4 weeks after being off contraception. My question is i bled for 5-6 days i believe it was a proper period and not a withdrawal bleed which I've been told some women do experience before having a proper period but i believe mine was a proper period and I'm mainly curious because i was told you will not ovulate as normal after contraception removal until you have a proper period so i believe i have had one and have ttc since finishing period on supposed ovulation days which was 2 weeks ago tomorrow apart from being tired i have no other obvious pregnancy signs. Is tomorrow too early to test could i actually be pregnant i also ttc last Sunday and yesterday obviously it will be too early to pick up on those two days and also they were not ovulation days so do you think i should test for the one 2 weeks ago becauae that was my ovulation day or give it 2 more weeks before testing? If my cycle has gone back to 28 days i should be due on tomorrow or some point during next week. Sorry for the long essay guys but i just don't want to test too early and be disappointed by a negative result. Any advice will be greatly appreciated thank you in advance